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  1. I've installed Armbian_5.14_Cubieboard_Debian_jessie_3.4.112_desktop.7z and It initially worked. I tested video files playback (I think it was mpv player) and it worked smoothly, no video lag. After 4 or 5 boot-ups, I'm no longer able to start armbian. I just see u-boot starting and then (when the kernel is going to be loaded (message: "Starting kernel ...")) I see mess on screen and cubieboard is powered off (red power light goes down, also networking leds). I use HDMI output (unfortunately I do not have serial cable to try debug it maybe further). What I tried so far, without success: -changing SD card for another one (8GB cat4 for 8GB cat10) -replacing power supply (original 5V, 2A replaced for 5.3V, 2A) -boot without any connected device (no network cable, no usb keyboard or any other usb device) So I reinstaled system and also tried following images (without success, same shutdown problem): -Armbian_4.5_Cubieboard_Ubuntu_trusty_3.4.109_desktop.zip -Armbian_5.04_Cubieboard_Ubuntu_trusty_3.4.110_desktop.zip -Armbian_5.14_Cubieboard_Debian_jessie_3.4.112.7z Vanilla kernels worked (I tried latest ones, no shutdowns, but I would like to have accelerated video, which is not possible under vanilla kernels AFAIK): -Armbian_5.14_Cubieboard_Debian_jessie_3.4.112.7z -Armbian_5.14_Cubieboard_Debian_jessie_4.6.2_desktop.7z I also tried Lakka (OpenELEC based) Retroarch distribution and with its default kernel 3.4.91 it works (link: http://mirror.lakka.tv/nightly/a10.arm/Lakka-a10.arm-devel-20160602232347-r21463-g9531662.img.gz) Nevertheless ffmpeg Retroarch core was unable to play video files smoothly. Therefore I would like to use Armbian (with hw accelerated graphics) and compile Retroarch on it. But I have this strange shutdown problem... Do you have any ideas what could be wrong? P.S. On #linux-sunxi user TheLinuxBug tried to help me and booted on his Cubieboard latest Armbian Jessie desktop and it was running ok. Do not know , but maybe it looks like the bug emerges after using Armbian for a while?..... or my cubie has some weird hardware issue (but why then some distros are OK on it).
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