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Everything posted by Dragao

  1. well there lies my problem, none of these image boot on my device.. So I guess I have t o create my own... I need info on how to do that..
  2. As I am fairly new to this.. I am kinda lost in what to do next... I want to create my own armbian image (running ubuntu focal) but I am currently unable to find the thing I need to do. I have extracted the dtb file from the android. Should I also get the u-boot and/or trust img ? maybe someone can point me in the direction of a manual ? Regards
  3. Question: Does anyone know what it means when red/blue led is flashing (alternating) ?
  4. ok, I have something else now.. As my box was running android 10 (non root) I downgraded the box to Android 9 (have to check if it is rooted now) The problem now is, I cannot boot from SD anymore That is, my multitool sd does not boot. Are there any ways to force an SD boot ? edit: ok, it seemed the SD card was not inserted correctly... I got it working
  5. hmm strange.... I have tried 2 files from the first post.. Both of them are not booting.. I must be doing something wrong. I will have to find out how to connect serial to the box for debugging
  6. @kruzerDid you had a working (bootable) image? I have the same device would like to test If you have an image, care to share ?
  7. @fabiobassa If there is anything I can do.. ( I do own a H96max which should contain rk3318) just let me know (and I know you are not pointing any fingers:P I was merely offering my help )
  8. I do understand your post (and perhaps some frustration). I have only one excuse I am NOOB I am more that happy to give you any log I can get.. The problem is my expertise on armbian (and putting it on tvboxes) is very fresh/new.. I would love to get some logging if I only new how.. Googling isn't really helping me (probably searching faulty) I am also having trouble running/compiling a new image for RK3318 using paolosabatino/armbian-build and I have no clue where to start looking (but that's a different story i think) I would also get the dtb from the running Android. to help you out. if I can do anything to help I would be very happy to.
  9. @lucky62 I have followed the steps in the first post to the letter.. I can run Multitool from SD and backup /restore flash (with the original firmware/android) When I try to flash armbian the device does not boot. Also when I flash an sd with armbian and erase the eMMC the device does not boot. I am not changing anything. So my best guess is that the image i am using (the ubuntu focal desktop image from post 1) is not working with my tvbox. (H96Max running android 10 / non root)
  10. I am confused.. What you are saying is with Multitool right ? if not then please point me to the correct post because I must be reading a different one
  11. This instruction is when using Multitool. I was explaining when I put an image on an SD I have to deal with this myself. (or maybe I am wrong)
  12. yes, but the Multitool does not do that Besides with writing to an SD I have to set the correct dtb / uboot which is not a hard thing but with Multitool this is perhaps done directly/automatically.
  13. As the Multitool is flashing to internal eMMC I am trying to boot from there. (SD card ejected as the instruction is telling me :) ) I used the focal desktop given in the first post. (which is a Mainline) I do have a hard time in finding other focal images. I have found another one but that one did not boot either . Is there a way of telling if I have a mainline or legacy ?
  14. Hi all., Hoping you can help me with something. I recently bought this tvbox (H96Max rk8813) and I want to run focal on this. I have followed the steps provided in the first post but after I flash the image the device does not boot. I see nothing.. I have waited like 5 minutes maybe I need to wait longer? I have tried the desktop image. To be clear The Multitool works just fine. I had created a backup of the mmc (and I can restore this backup as well) It is just that the system won't boot when I flash the image. (the device is running android 10 / not rooted) any help is appreciated
  15. In my case it was a hardware problem with the sd card.
  16. Hi All, I have a question and I am not sure if this is the right place (Mods, feel free to move this message if needed) I successfully run an image on my tx9s from SD card. I have seen script to install on eMMC. Kan I just run one of these scripts? or are these for specific devices? Is it even possible to install armbian on the eMMC ? Thanks in advance
  17. And I believe that was the issue here as well. Thanks I had not found the discussion. Nevertheless, I do think there are some (minor) issues with the image. - WiFi is loosing connection / working slow or not at all. (not really an issue for me as I will be using Ethernet) - I did notice the green link led does not lit. Although it is connected. (and working)
  18. Hi Guys, Really don't know if this is the right place to post this but here goes I have a tx9s (S912) amlogic Mediaplayer. I can run the Armbian_20.09_Arm-64_focal_current_5.8.7_desktop.img with meson-gxm-vega-s96.dtb without problems everything seems to be working. As I really do not need the desktop I was trying to use the console version (Armbian_20.09_Arm-64_focal_current_5.8.7.img.xz) but there seems to be going something wrong. After the device is booted the root password is set (asked) and a user is created (asked) but I cannot use sudo. It throws an error "sudo: /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set" When I look at permissions I see a user 1023 is owner and group of almost any file /directory. Can't see that I am doing something wrong (Just following the given steps) I also have tried image: Armbian_20.10_Arm-64_focal_current_5.9.0-rc7.img.xz but same results. Any help is appreciated.
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