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  1. Hi, I guess this is because you have a new account. Thanks for your interest, however I just sold it on reddit, I am so sorry.
  2. Hi, I decided to sell my Helios64 full bundle: - Helios64 box (case, board, UPS) - 5 3.5" HDD trays (+ screws) - 2 PSU (the original one and an additional compatible Synology one I bought because I saw some posts where people reported a broken PSU) It served me well during 2 years, however the lack of official support and missing features are showstoppers for me, and I recently replaced it with a custom x86 build. I am sure people here would be interested in it. The Helios64 works perfectly and is in very good shape, it was off the most of the time, I only started it when I needed to make a backup. The board is untouched (I didn't make the 2.5Gbit/s soldering fix). I placed 5 disks in it and the OS was installed on the eMMC, so I can ensure all the bays and the boot from eMMC work. Price: 150€ + shipping (from Switzerland), PM if you are interested
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