If you setup the serial console to another machine and connect using a terminal emulator (picocom, putty, etc.), you can capture more of the crash log (and in a place where you can copy/paste). Instructions here: https://wiki.kobol.io/helios64/install/first-start/
Likewise, if you can get in long enough to edit the file, changing verbosity to 7 in /boot/armbianEnv.txt can provide more information.
What I see on your photo looks similar to a crash log I captured the other day, but I'm not getting very far yet on figuring out what is actually happening.
That's a good point, and I suspect maybe (probably?) so. However a quarterly release was just made, so it will probably be some time until this makes it into Armbian. Maybe next quarterly release, maybe one after that (I have no idea, and please don't take that as any sort of promise, or ask "when" etc. because that's not how any of this works).
I realize that you guys have purchased a commercial product, and therefore may have certain expectations. At the same time I sense that this may be some people's first introduction to how a true Free Software, community based project works. So what I will say in this post applies to Armbian (the community project) itself. You also have your support from your vendor (Kobol) who are working on things, in fact they work hand in hand with the Armbian project, and in general such partnerships are a Good Thing (for lots of reasons). But I am part of Armbian project and so I can only speak for our part, not Kobol your vendor you bought the hardware from.
Now, gotten that out of the way, understand there is no big company, business model, or anything else behind Armbian. It's just us, you and me, little guys like us all over the world. You guys are doing great job in here helping each other out and figuring things out, together. And this is why we have forums and everything is humming along nicely as it should so far.
Now the next step, for those who have an interest in this board, and in ZFS (and I detect a lot of interest in this thread), along with the requisite technical ability, would be to get involved in figuring how to get this into upstream Armbian, for the benefit of everyone.
For example, already in another thread a young man figured out the build steps, distilled that down into some bash script, and shared his results publicly. That is based on current stuff, and should be a good stop-gap / workaround to point people to in the meantime. And it's a great example of how F/LOSS development marches forward, one little step at a time, slowly but steadily, based on work of individuals. Which is the only way any of this works.
Which leaves the question of new development going forward. @SIGSEGV raises a good point about OpenZFS 2.0. I cannot speak to specifics because I do not own this hardware and I am not a dev anyway so I cannot help out in that way. However if any of you want to give it a try, by all means please do. Make another forum post about getting that working, share your results with one another, test, test, and when it gets stable, I am sure it makes it into Armbian. And probably faster than waiting for someone else to do it.
The "core devs" as mentioned further up thread should get around to it, but I can't say when. There are only so many of them, remember all part time and mostly unpaid.[0] I'm just trying to paint a realistic picture here of the resources we have to work with, which are scant (especially considering people's apparent expectations). But also I want to make the point that you too, can become a "core dev" simply by sharing what you have learned, and contributing that back to the project in whatever form. And every little step forward helps. If you investigate, share your results. Test, and share your results (good or bad!). Many hands make light work, and thus the development (and maintenance) burden is shared and we all move forward together.
I hope this post was helpful in giving a broader picture of why it's against the (Armbian) rules[1] to ask "when" and similar questions. In fact, feel free to point people towards this post when such questions come up. Even by doing this, you are helping. By hanging out around forums. This is all I do, I am not a dev. I also start contributing to docs lately, in fact I plan to re-work the relevant part of the docs touching on similar themes as this post. I have a whole list of things I want to add or re-work in the docs. We each do our own little part, as much as we are able (and perhaps more importantly, willing).
[0] In case this comes up, yes Kobol have contributed financially to Armbian development and have been doing so for years. They are a great company and partners and do things The Right Way.
[1] Those rules only apply to the Armbian forums overall, we take a much more hands off approach here in Kobol Club, as this is official support forum for some commercial products which are based on Armbian (i.e., rules are different here, and set by Kobol).