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  1. Fearing this foe to be beyond my wizard level at the current time, I went ahead and ordered an RPi 3B+ to use in place of the Tritium H5. However, it would be nice to get this working 'some day'.
  2. Sorry guise, I didn't log in for a while, so just saw your replies. Are recent images not working (they should be)? After checking my notes, it appears I used Armbian_23.02.0-trunk_Pinebook-pro_sid_edge_6.1.11_xfce_desktop. However, I vaguely recall switching from Sid to Bookworm (which, at the time, was Testing, IIRC). I think my thought process was: I should probably use Sid/edge for desktop stuff. But my dotfiles are based on Debian Testing (or Stable), so I simply switched to Bookworm in my Apt sources, as Sid is usually not too far off from Testing. But any Armbian build should work. The main thing (at the time, haven't messed with it since) seemed to be getting Tow-Boot onto the SPI chip. If newer image(s) aren't working, those should be the subject of new threads (or testing reports).
  3. I have been reading into this for some hours now, and it seems like I will need to write (or perhaps modify from some existing) DTB overlay or something like that? I tried following the instructions here, and using a .dtbo file (hifiberry-amp100.dtbo) I copied from OSMC I have here on an RPi 3, but I don't think that's right as it mentions 'brcm,bcm2835' which I suppose means it can only be used with RPi. The above mentioned .dtbo file seemed to be in some binary format, although I could still make out some text in it. I can't even seem to find the uncompressed (plain text) versions, I searched OSMC and HiFiBerry repos (amongst others), I don't think I am looking in right place (maybe I need to look in RPi Foundation or Linux kernel sources?). Any help or pointers will be appreciated. This seems to be a non-trivial task (at least for a low to medium level wizard such as myself).
  4. I haven't touched my ROCKPro64 for quite a while. Pulled it out today and starting playing with it. I was getting 2 blinks of white LED, then a pause, then repeating. I thought it wasn't booting or something. After checking a whole bunch of things, including connecting a serial terminal, I finally realized I had a bad Ethernet cable (and this was why it was not showing up on my router). The board (and OS installed to eMMC) had been fine the whole time. Now, my understanding is that the LED behavior is particular to software (bootloader, I guess?). But FWIW, on a slightly older Armbian (21.02.3) at least, this appears to be default behavior. I just wanted to make a note for search purposes, in case anyone else runs across the same issue.
  5. I simply installed it in a Python venv, it was very straightforward. But everyone seems to love containers these days... Luckily, they provide a number of install options, did you review them? There is no 'wrong' answer really, it's just what you prefer. If this is about the base (OS) image, I can't help you there, but at least you are in the right neighborhood now (TV Boxes). Good luck!
  6. I suppose greenknight gave the most relevant answer, if you are strictly looking for an 'IDS'. Personally I have also been looking at CrowdSec, which seems a lot less involved to set up (and also functions differently). I found the following article (even though hosted on CrowdSec blog) quite informative: Suricata vs CrowdSec. Now, besides the comparison made in the title, I found it interesting because of the historical context it gives about other software like Snort, Zeek, Suricata, etc. There is plenty of information on the Internet about this, you will need to do some research yourself and form your own opinion. It's not even related to Armbian per say, but I guess that's why we have this section now.
  7. Actually, first you should build it yourself from sources, using the desired command line arguments, which you seem to have sussed out. At a minimum this would confirm the solution to the problem is what you suspect it is. The next step (and this is without looking into it any further, and speaking generally, etc.) is understanding that most of userspace programs (including mpv) would be coming (unmodified) from upstream Debian. If that's true (in this case, with mpv) you should contact the Debian maintainer for aarch64 build of mpv and ask them why that option is not enabled. Or perhaps, inquire first on the relevant mailing list. In any case, please do report back your findings. Good luck!
  8. Indeed, the Helios64 mainboard was a custom board, based on RK3399, but with a lot of nice features added, and tailored for NAS use-case. An article I wrote some time back, So, you want to run a file server? comes at the problem from a broader perspective, but might give you some ideas. At the end, I come to conclusion of using similar RK3399 based device, however I have no idea if the physical form factor of that device will be a good fit for the Helios64 case. Also I know that Helios64 had some nice integrated things like power switch, PSU, etc... of course you would be losing those (and I don't know offhand what kind of power the boards require, relative to one another, so not sure if you could still use same PSU or not). So in the end, you may have to ask yourself, is it worth it trying to re-use the case, or simply go with some more generic (and thus re-usable / re-composable) components like DIN rail power supply plus some simple, cheap metal rails (from hardware store) to screw the HDDs into. Another alternative, I have read some posts from a few people who did get things stable, but maybe you tried all those things already without success. Please do report back your findings, as I am sure more and more people will find themselves in the same boat as you as time goes on.
  9. I, too, have nothing but disdain for them. If you follow the link to LiberaPay in my signature (reproduced here for posterity: https://liberapay.com/armbian/) you will find that they also accept credit card payments via Stripe as a processor. IIRC, you can also do a one-time donation (besides the regular, ongoing subscription).
  10. Anything that would apply to TV boxes would certainly apply even more to 'random Android device'. In other words: I hope you are up for a challenge information will be scarce etc. I wish you the best of luck. Let us know if you make any headway.
  11. That's not the problem, the problem is the extra workload in modifying (and then maintaining) whatever parts of Armbian to support the 2 different init systems (as c0rnelius already went into some detail about). And we barely have the resources to do what we do already... Having said that, if it is something you feel strongly enough about, have at it. But as c0rnelius pointed out, you would probably have your work cut out for you.
  12. I think this might be the problem. Although I am certainly no expert in desktop stuff, I think it involves some low level things, which may differ between their version and ours. I am also assuming that's some legacy kernel (although I didn't bother to look). This sounds like a better way forward. Let us know how it goes.
  13. Personally I like Mean Well, they are decent brand who tend to deliver the advertised voltage (which is a whole another problem with no-name supplies, not just in SBC world but also PC and others) and last a good long while. And pretty affordable, usually. Lately I have even been switching to DIN rail mounted power supplies for my SBCs (and other devices, even monitors, as I had too many power bricks piling up around my desktop/workbench area).
  14. I disable it at my router (which is running OpenWrt).
  15. I don't have that hardware, nor do I use Ubuntu desktop. But what you probably want (for your use-case) is a headless/server (i.e., more like regular Debian) version of Armbian. If you insist on using Ubuntu UI, you should seek assistance from that project.
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