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Algi Zid

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Posts posted by Algi Zid

  1. yeah nothing boots here on my E237212 94V-0 1542 board (SN X2H3CACE10205) but something is definitely going on (from one image to the other, the power led is not the same color, with armbian download it seems both blue/red are on). i'm still hoping for a sd card issue but i highly doubt it's the case, tested 3 so far which should work perfectly fine.


    Who knows maybe i have a different board configuration, maybe it doesn't have an H3 inside, that would be fun =)

    And i didn't remember there was a nice smiling sheep in there, is that what's the "bee" in beelink stands for ?


    Anyways i was hoping for a quick test, i don't have time to debug that in the next days, i'll come back to it with an uart cable connected next week.


    In the meantime if someone can simply point me to a post explaining how to extract your fex / script.bin that would help, sorry i don't have much experience with alwinner images.

    thank you

    armbian image has the nice led color change in bootup. So if leds color change, that mean smth works:) Other images don't have that fine feature (only red light).

    Are you tried other android image (like superceleron or the one from OrangePi site) with Phoenix soft to burn? I mean run android from sdcard.


  2. i'm a bit at a loss here, i can't get my beelink x2 to boot current armbian images, i feel i've missed something obvious.


    i've downloaded the 5.14 armbian images for jessie desktop and xenial server, flashed them with dd in linux, plugged the sdcard and then power.

    The led turns instantly blue ("on", stays red whithout sdcard) but nothing seems to happen, no video output, no eth link.


    In my memory i have not tempered with that beelink x2 much, probably only installed a different version of kodi in android, and haven't used it in a while. Android still boots fine and the sd card can be browsed in the file manager (plugged after android boot).


    I'm using a 32G Samsung Evo HC1, i'll try another one.




    Yeserday i'm install armbian from scratch. Everything is fine. So try rufus software for win or different sd-card (U1 is recommended but Class4 works to) or different pc.


  3. Nop, I don't use spanish (easy for me to include) characters like Ñ ñ is more or less plain than your password.

    Thanks @slinde I don't have time to test in nexts weeks, so don't worry about this.


    I found another thread http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1713-orange-pi-lite-wifi-cannot-connect-to-wpa/andmaybe it is related to the same problem with some installations.

    manuti, i found a solution.

    After add firmware from slinde link and

    root@beelinkx2:~# rmmod 8189es
    root@beelinkx2:~# modprobe 8189es

    i go to Wicd Network Manager -> refresh network, and select my wifi. Next go to properties and paste my password for wifi, click ok and try Connect. Get as usual info about Bad password.

    Then a click Preferences (right upper corner=triangle) ->advanced ->wpa supplicant and select driver from wext to none. Then Connect to wifi and voila. Connection established and working.


    Next step is need to modify modules.conf

    sudo nano /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf

    change "bcmdhd" to" #bcmdhd" and add a line


    save the file and reboot.


    After system bootup wait a 30s, and the connection to wifi automatically up and running.

  4. Yes, same problem here. Not resolved.

    But for now I didn't tested the plain text config, wpa-suplicant, suggested by  slunde.

    I don't have enough time test.

    I'm tested, and nothing change. Still had info about bad password.

    So i'm burn staright to sdcard, img from orangepi site (Debian 8 Jessie) and it works from a start. i get cpufreq err only, but it works.

  5. I download the firmware from the link from @slinde links in ths post: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/872-beelink-x2-with-armbian-possible/page-3#entry11871


    And I follow the instruction in this other post http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/872-beelink-x2-with-armbian-possible/page-3#entry12339  but changing all the references to bcmhd to 8189es.


    The Wi-Fi is up and running but I can't connect to my WPA2 !!!

    Only WEP!!! Any idea about this issue?



    On my 4G router, i can only choose unsecured or WPA1 or 2.

    WPA 1 or 2 doesn't work: always get Bad Password info...

    But when i choose Unsecured then works like a charm ;/


    Soo same problem like yours, did you resolve problem? 



  6. "Wonderful", they simply exchanged the WiFi module between different PCB revisions. Do you both allow me to choose one of the images to upload it to linux-sunxi wiki?


    Maybe not only the WiFi module has been replaced but also pin mappings differ. Please read both through this commit log comment how to extract the original fex contents from eMMC (where an Android is living with correct settings for the new WiFi config I would suppose): https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-boards/commit/4a432501c910fddf759dd1171b15b0327b0d787a

    yeah, take a pick one

  7. Indeed there are two different hardware versions. I have a total of three units of Beelink X2. The first two with serial numbers: X2H3CKFH1D054 and X2H3CKFH80684 have wifi chip that uses the brcmdhd driver. My newest third unit with serialnumber: A2H3CKHH71819 has wifi chip using the 8189es driver.


    There is no externally visible indication of HW version other than the serial number. I have not opened my units to have a look inside.

    I confirm, A2 on the beginning inform of the 8189ETV chip inside, my serial number is A2H3CKHH7xxxx and also has 8189ETV

  8. That means a new hardware revision is out since the older Beelink X2 are equipped with AP6181: http://linux-sunxi.org/images/1/19/X2_PCB_top.jpg(the device I have also has AP6181 but different DRAM modules compared to the wiki picture)


    Did you check which hardware revision you have?

    Yeah, manuti and i, have different version of box (the newer one), to be exactly: x2_v3.1.1_20160224.

    I upload some photos of the box. The Wi-Fi chip is Realtek 8189ETV


  9. Finally I discover my Beelin X2 have a `8189es` so applying same firmware but change the bcmhd part by the 8189es all the tings go up.

    manuti@beelinkx2:~$ sudo modprobe 8189es firmware_path=/lib/firmware/ap6210/8189es.bin nvram_path=/lib/firmware/ap6210/nvram.txt
    manuti@beelinkx2:~$ lsmod
    Module                  Size  Used by
    8189es               1076034  0 
    mali_drm                2732  1 
    drm                   178255  2 mali_drm
    mali                  123208  0 
    ump                    29379  3 mali
    sunxi_spdma             3703  1 
    sunxi_spdif             7037  1 
    sunxi_sndspdif          3885  0 
    sndspdif                2743  1 
    hid_logitech_dj        10040  0 
    manuti@beelinkx2:~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
    manuti@beelinkx2:~$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
    wlan0     Scan completed :
              Cell 01 - Address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

    Thanks a lot to everybody.

    Hello manuti

    How did you manage to run wifi??

    i have the same problem, and for me that doesn't  work

    i get  wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device

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