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  1. armbian-config seems to be under major modification currently. you may have to set up hotspot manually in case that armbian-config doesn't work.
  2. Try downgrade kernel version via armbian-config. My board(not orangepi tho) also had a kernel issue and it was gone after downgrade kernel version to 5.10
  3. NanoPi R4s, enp1s0 ethernet device not showed up after reboot - Beginners - armbian forum
  4. I found another post which is the same problem, I guess.
  5. Hello, I’m running nanopi r4s with armbian 22.02.1 bullseye. After finishing edit /etc/network/interfaces via armbian-config, there was an error while restarting services. Fail to stop network-manager.service: Unit network-manager.service not loaded. However, for bullseye, network-manager.service might be no longer available.
  6. Hello, After NanoPi R4S reboot, ethernet interface `enp1s0` disappeared. I tried soft reboot for several times but failed. If I shutdown the board and power plug out/in again, then `enp1s0` appears. I tested it several times and 100% same results. Any idea please? wg* is for vpn. please ignore them.
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