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Everything posted by allen--smithee

  1. I share my personal experience, this one works with me. I use Helios64 on SD Card 32Gb, with this version https://imola.armbian.com/archive/helios64/archive/Armbian_21.08.2_Helios64_buster_current_5.10.63.img.xz installing omv with this script. https://github.com/OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers/installScript I modified or added a few lines in files but I can't tell you exactly which one and how because I forgot since. I use 3 SSD disks individually managed by OMV + Containers. no raid, just EXT format Nothing special, but it is sufficient for my family use. With 45 cents per kilowatt, Helios64 + SSD will cost me a maximum of 40 Euros this year. (Energie cost 2.5x since september)
  2. /usr/sbin/fancontrol line 44 >> Max= precisely defines the nominal speed when fancontrol is inactive, which means, at the ignition of the device before the launching of the processes (including fancontrol) and at the extintion of the device when the processes are interrupted (including fancontrol) and it can last several minutes when you have installed OMV and some containers. But yes indeed you hear the fans roar for a second at the start and the end before the unit shuts down completely. I leave MAX=80 because from memory during my previous tests, the fans make an audible noise, which allowed me to verify that my unit restarted or turned off when I sent a command from my phone. A memory because it's been a while... /usr/sbin/fancontrol Line 394 >> declare -A PWM_ENABLE_ORIG_STATE Line 395 >> declare -A PWM_ORIG_STATE >> /usr/sbin/pwmconfig line 46 >> function LoadConfig line 108 Line 521 >> function UpdateFanSpeeds Line 609
  3. fancontrol no longer returns an error , your startup and shutdown are no longer noisy now ?
  4. p5-fan and /dev/thermal-cpu doesn't exist, try with these changes copy paste /etc/udev/rules.d/90-helios64-hwmon.rules copy paste /etc/fancontrol shutdown 0 Start ls -l /dev/thermal-cpu/ systemctl status fancontrol.service
  5. I'm curious what is the result of this command systemctl status fancontrol.service and what does the next command say systemctl start fancontrol.service if the configuration file /etc/fancontrol contains it a syntax error or wrong variable fancontrol will not run. also check ls -l /sys/class/hwmon | grep fan ls -l /etc/udev/rules.d/ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/90-helios64-hwmon.rules ls -l /dev/thermal-cpu/ Have you read old threads on the subject?
  6. Hi, maybe you want to modify some lines, /usr/sbin/fancontrol my value is MAX=80 because when it comes to restart or shutdown I want to hear it /etc/fancontrol my fancontrol setup with special setting with high quality thermal paste (With Gelid Solutions GP-Ultimate my unit is without thermal bottleneck Fanless) and use only SSDs. MAXPWM is the key to silence but you have to find the max hwmonX/pwm1 value for CPU100%/Thermal PAD/Heatshink solution = temp1_input ≤ 80°C , otherwise you risk reaching the value of temp1_crit under heavy load. Ex: With the original thermal PAD my old MAXPWM=120
  7. As I often say there are 1001 ways to use a same device. what is obvious for one is a special case for others. You must try for yourself until you get the result that satisfies you in your use. did you follow the procedure, as explained by Kobol? WinSCP makes it very quick and easy to edit files. while wandering around i found this maybe this will fix your mute usb-c.
  8. Hi@Sander Steffann, could you make a photo novel to better explain your problem step by step. the only time I got an offensive message in the serial console was due to cleaning a little too wet. liquid had flowed into the FCBGA 828. I remember that the leds on the motherboard were on error. I used an air gun on it to get rid of the water and put the card in the sun for 1 hour. I was very lucky not to burn anything
  9. Of course partition there, mount the filesystem and you have 16gb on SOC. Regarding the files, I expressed myself badly, I was talking about the access rights on the files, it was corrupt because I was handling the OMV files by rooting on my Armbian desktop, and in the error I tried to redefine the rights and the owners since an SCP connection under windows and boom it became nonsense. I had to take the discs out one by one to read them in a low level system to recover my files with no owner rights. You can use Win32Diskimager and press read instead of write, this will create an .img backup of your SD (beware the program if all your SD card has a capacity of 128Gb you will have a 128gb image, nor will you be able to write your image to an SD card smaller than 128gb afterwards, unless you resize it with another program. I have been using Win32DiskImager for a very long time, there are many other ways to do the same in the command line or program, it is not absolute. I rediscover the functions of helios64 with your questions, my unit being in operation 24/24, I had not paid attention to that. You can use this program to walk around in user space WinSCP read Documentation and Download here. you can change things very quickly If you are unfamiliar with "tree file" and the user commands you can also install fish on your unit from ssh. read Documentation here apt-get install fish and play with the tab and esc key have many fun !!
  10. that's great, I'm glad you can use your Helios64 unit. I was a little worried about you, because from memory I never read this type of problem with a broken USB C port, moreover you arrived after the battle, and Kobol no longer supports after-sales service . Regarding your questions about OpenMediaVault, this goes beyond ARMBIAN. when you install the OMV overlay on your unit it profoundly modifies your Armbian distribution, so it is painful for anyone to help you on the ARMBIAN forum, moreover we do not use OMV in the same way, in file management it is preferable to take the time to understand how it works and how to make it work. it's best to ask your questions on the OpenMediaVault Forum directly after reading Documentation. /dev/mmcblk2 is your EMMC /dev/mmcblk1 is your SD card nevertheless if this is your first grip, for OMV I give you the following advice do not put your sensitive data before being sure of what you are doing, and being sure that it works without problem. (you are not safe from a corruption of file rights, or an unusable exotic partition) once again I now invite you to browse the forums and specific documentation. Avoid compulsive updates, and do not hesitate to make image backups on /Desktop/Helios64/Helios64_BKU/ of your SD card, before any installation / update / modification.
  11. For some unknown reason you can't use the USB-C port, consider that for the moment your card is a 3-legged stool instead of a 4-legged chair. You will try to sit on it with a remote connection. https://wiki.kobol.io/helios64/install/first-start/#step-5-connect-to-helios64-via-ssh Adress Mac helios64s 64.62.66.XX.XX.XX Router > list devices Computer > arp Android/Ios > https://techet.net/netanalyzer/ You must also try the hdmi output by usb-c, you may be able to use your unit as a Computer, and have access to the prompt. https://wiki.kobol.io/helios64/usb/#display-port If you do not obtain a local IP address after starting your Unit, Unfortunately, I couldn't help you any further. You'll still have the P14 serial connection to see what's been going on since startup, but I've never had to do that, and I don't have the expertise or experience to help you further. https://wiki.kobol.io/helios64/usb/#serial-console
  12. If your unit is new, this allows you to remove a lot of unknowns. the SPI and EMMC being empty the jumper was not mandatory. Hard drives extend startup time and can cause the system to fail to boot, that's why I advise you to remove them, and then put them 1 by 1 when you have a functional system. The P13 allows switching from a serial connection on the helios 64 motherboard to a mass storage connection on the unit's Emmc. If your unit boots without an error led and the system LED flashes slowly after 20 to 70 seconds of booting. Your unit has certainly negotiated its ip assignment with your router. check on your router if Helios64 appears. Grab the ip and do a remote SSH connection on it.
  13. well, let's drop the jacket you want! it is not necessary to have the jumpers at P10 and P11 to make a serial connection through the USB-C port of your unit, when P13 is open. Normally Kobol has provided in the Bundle two jumpers and a screw for the M.2 module in a small plastic bag. There are several reasons that can cause problems. 1.The backside of the case that supports the fans prevents your USB-C head cable male plug from properly seating in your unit's USB-C female Slot. remove it so that you can connect directly. 2. Your USB-C cable is not the original one provided by Kobol and this may be the cause, try another (the thicker the better). 3. Your Windows computer does not correctly recognize the Helios64 Serial port, in 'Device Manager' check 'Other Device' and 'Universal serial bus controller', or try from another Computer any System (Linux lsusb) 4. Maybe your unit is faulty, in order to verify that your helios64 can start normally, when the jumper 2.54mm are in place. try the remote connection after boot (after starting the system, the system LED should flash quickly, if it then flashes slowly, your system has started correctly), capture your unit's local ip on the router/computer/Smartphone but make sure you are on the same local network. for example you can use (https://techet.net/netanalyzer/). after all X. Removed the motherboard from the case and take pictures of your Motherboard from above and below, and verify that all components are in place. users have complained about breaking things, maybe you pay the price for their mistakes. Y. Close P13 and see what Windows/Linux says. Z. Retry the operations on the card outside the case but leave it on the metal support and check check the status LEDs on the motherboard and play with Buttons.
  14. Now let's check your Helios64 Unit, we will start on Helios64 by booting from an SD card, for this the bridges must be closed in P10 and P11 the jumpers must be in position (pay attention to the direction). as explained on the Kobol WIKI https://wiki.kobol.io/helios64/jumper/#boot-mode-p10-p11 jumpers J09/13/14/15 must be open (without jumper) all the cables are in their place and correctly fixed on the motherboard, a network cable was plugged into helios64 on the same network as the computer, and hard drives have been removed from slots. now connect your Helios64 unit to your Windows computer with a USB-C to USB-A data cable <1m (USB-C power cables do not work) your Helios64 unit must be switched off but plugged into an electrical outlet. in Windows search typed "Computer management" open the program then in "device manager" open "Ports" noted the COM(X) corresponding to Helios64 Open PuTTY, in order to make a serial connection select Connection type: Serial in Serial Line put: COM(X) in Speed Put: 1500000 Saved Session type: Helios64 USB Click Save, choose Helios64 USB in Saved Session then click on Open. a PuTTY window opens titled "COM(X) - PuTTY" Put your SD card in the SD slot of your Helios64 and turn it on. normally your PuTTY window displays the boot returns of your system. at the end you are greeted with a fixed Helios64 display and status information, followed by the prompt open a note and copy the local IP of your Helios64 unit (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) save in Desktop/Helios64/myhelios64.txt then we will use PuTTY for a remote connection. to do this from the PuTTY icon right-click select PuTTY (64-bit) in order to make a remote connection select Connection type: SSH in Host Name put: local IP (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) in Port type: 22 Saved Session type: Helios64 ETH Click Save, choose Helios64 ETH in Saved Session then click on Open. a PuTTY window opens titled "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - PuTTY" in the prompt login as: root @XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX's password: 1234 greeted by a fixed Helios64 display and status information followed by the prompt did you succeed ?
  15. Hello, let's not waste time, you seem to be in a hurry, that's good for me too. Take a Windows computer because they are all the same, create a "Helios64" folder on the Desktop, open it then create a "Helios64_BKU" folder and a "Helios64_IMG" folder open your internet browser go on Armbian click on download from archives Select an Image, if you don't know which one let me suggest move the downloaded compressed image to the "Helios64 IMG" folder unzip in the directory with his name. Then go to the win32diskimager page in the tab "files" click on the directory "Archive" and choose win32diskimager-1.0.0-install.exe after download, install it. then go to the PuTTY Site Download the latest version from choose MSI (‘Windows Installer’) 64-bit x86 after downloading, install it. open win32diskimager choose the image file in "Helios64_IMG" selected the location of your SD card on the computer, then click on write. at the end of the process, remove the SD card from the computer. Then restarted your Windows computer.
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