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  1. My best regards to all of you and many thanks to the developers for their effort. I've just bought one of these to experiment. I've used it for a short while with the stock Android fw but I've immediately found out a couple of severe glitches, one with the image getting let's say solarized and turning back to normal after seconds or minutes, completely on a random base and the other with sound that sometimes disappears. My intention was experimenting anyway so I've immediately switched to Linux, even to understand if those glitches are sw or hw (as I fear) related. I don't know the board version because, due to still not having found the root for those glitches, I don't want to damage the seal to keep a return feasible but I'm sure it actually has 2Gb of RAM given that I get them all even under Linux and not only under Android which can provide fake informations in this regard. By what I've understood reading the previous posts, an effective way to determine the board revision is a trial and check procedure using the miniarch images (available for all the currently known and therefore handled revisions): if it boots, the board is likely to be that one (or at least a very similar one with minor tweaking necessary); if it doesn't, try another image for a different revision. This way, I've determined mine should be a v5.1 but here the problems arose. With Armbian I've successfully made the first boot, just configured a few unharming things (mainly WiFi connection) then at next reboot it didn't boot anymore. At this stage, I'm purposedly sticking with sdcard (for the same reason of leaving a door open for returning it if necessary). I've then switched to miniarch. It boots but it can't start ethernet so I can't do almost anything. I'm starting to fear my assumption could be wrong and mine isn't actually a v5.1. Here you can find a screenshot taken from miniarch, obviously not to ask for troubleshooting something which is completely out of scope here but just in the hope to provide the developers with some relevant details. Have a nice day!
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