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  1. I think shutdowns will always be noisy, because the script ends and there is a TRAP signal that turns it to 100% . But not sure if MAXPWN affects the AFCPWM values in that script. Just look at the `/usr/sbin/fancontrol` ``` function restorefans() { local status=$1 fcvcount pwmo echo 'Aborting, restoring fans...' let fcvcount=0 while (( $fcvcount < ${#AFCPWM[@]} )) # go through all pwm outputs do pwmo=${AFCPWM[$fcvcount]} pwmdisable $pwmo let fcvcount=$fcvcount+1 done echo 'Verify fans have returned to full speed' rm -f "$PIDFILE" exit $status } trap 'restorefans 0' SIGQUIT SIGTERM trap 'restorefans 1' SIGHUP SIGINT ```
  2. Oh it's not nanoITX, nvm.. I just had a look and it wouldn't fit the case.
  3. I think there are open schematics for the boards. What batch your helios comes from? The first batch was in my personal opinion less stable and the other batches had something fixed. Don't have schematics myself I should look for them too. Also Debian? Or Amrbian, I think you should use the Armbian kernel with the patches for uboot, the think that it boots doesn't mean it has everything OK.
  4. Ok, I will drop here one suitable yet ridiculously expensive replacement. Overkill I know. HoneyComb LX2 Workstation. https://www.solid-run.com/arm-servers-networking-platforms/honeycomb-servers-workstation/#honeycomb-workstation My friend got one and very satisfied and he is also underwhelmed Helios64 user. I would get that one too, but I am cheap not gonna lie. I talked with him and he likes the board, the u-boot runs quite OK (maybe upstreamed even) + he tried to compile u-boot for helios64 to boot something else than amrbian kernel without much success. It has 4x SATA 3.0 even some 8xPCI-e with standalone 4xPCI-e for M2-slot. But I think no UPS support + it is probably more power hungry than helios64. Also I've seen power supplies so small and mountable without case shielding (made in china), maybe it could fit inside also.
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