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  1. But it's very strange that using kernel 4.x we never got a kernel panic... right now the board is running fine with kernel 4.x with an eMMC... EDIT: after a couple of processing job, the board start acting weird! Definitely, this board is broken!
  2. I can confirm that using Kernel 5.x either with SD/eMMC or m.2 using the PCI bus , we got kernel panic with only this board. So it's really not the media itself but more a hardware problem!
  3. @TRS-80 Yeah it's all from pine64 store! After a lot of testing last week! Only one board is having trouble with kernel 5.x and we test all eMMC, everytime I use kernel 5.x with this board, we start having CPU error and "memory", but pretty sure the memory problem is coming from the processor. Right now, the board is running with Kernel 4.x, and run pretty well. I will let it run for a while and after, will do the same thing with kernel 5.x but using a SD card, and will see if we are having the same CPU problem!
  4. Hey guys... Having a strange issue since a couple of days. We got a couple of new board (10) and all of them are using an eMMC of 64GB. For an unknown reason, some of them are unable to survive after the first update and reboot using the latest armbian 21.08! Either, it's not booting from SPI OR at some point we see strange thing as segfault when trying some program! We try to replace the eMMC but the same eMMC works perfectly in another rockpro64! I also try to install first the old image with kernel 4.4 and it will survive all the time until we upgrade to 5.10 and then it refuse to boot from SPI! EDIT: Did another test, the same board boot perfectly with 5.10 on a SD card! EDIT2: Did another test, the same board boot perfectly with 5.10 on a M.2 using PCI adapter... The problem seems to be related to some eMMC + some board
  5. Hey folks... We are trying to use a DHT22 sensor on rockpro64 using armbian (buster)... Is there something we need to know about GPIO pin ? We are trying to compile and use this code as a starter... https://github.com/ayufan-pine64/dht22-pine64.git But we got a segfault when using it... thanks
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