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  1. Hi, I had to change the Rack 1 HDD because I got an email telling me that this disk was broken. So I ordered new discs to make my replacement. When I put my new disk my problem started. For information my old disk was perfectly visible before I changed it and the led was functional too. I have a strange problem and I'm afraid it's hardware. Currently I have Rack 1 (HDD 1) which no longer detects my disks, there are no more LEDs lighting up, we can clearly hear the HDD lighting up, but it is not visible in the CLI and not via the WebUI. Im using OMV 6.x with kernel 5.15.89 (current) stable RAID 6 with 5 x 8To Have try 2 new HDD in Rack 1 KO Have try to reinstall armbian & omv KO Have you ever had this problem ? Could it be a software problem? Screens : (Only 4 HDD missing /dev/sde) armbianmonitor : http://ix.io/4oQB dmesg : https://paste.yunohost.org/sefecotame.vbs lsblk : "/dev/sde" is missing sda 8:0 0 7.3T 0 disk └─md127 9:127 0 21.8T 0 raid6 sdb 8:16 0 7.3T 0 disk └─md127 9:127 0 21.8T 0 raid6 sdc 8:32 0 7.3T 0 disk └─md127 9:127 0 21.8T 0 raid6 sdd 8:48 0 7.3T 0 disk └─md127 9:127 0 21.8T 0 raid6 Best Regards
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