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Everything posted by Tido

  1. Just out of curiosity, why exactly did you make a new thread for the same topic, in which you were active as well ? https://forum.armbian.com/topic/11184-hardware-graphicvideo-acceleration-in-h3-mainline/page/2/ @Igor, @lanefu isn't there some general "@moderator" so I do not have to address a person? (would make sens to merge this into the other thread)
  2. just a quick heads up on the improvement of Crust firmware once this is running, Linux gets shutdown just like it is expected. Learn more about this coprocessor here it is quite interesting and a nice article about it. And perhaps it is finally your time to give it a try ?
  3. you maybe want to look around here https://github.com/petit-miner/Blueberry-PI I don't know how active @petit_miner still is, but at least he was active Sunxi https://linux-sunxi.org/V3s what is already in mainline kernel supported: https://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort#Status_Matrix
  4. You are in the armbian forum. Your screenshot shows an ANDROID Operating System, not armbian.
  5. I meant in principle, as it is a "push-button" does it need to be connected to a relay or could it as well be GPIO ?
  6. Thank you, a valid point. Didn't consider that. The switch on the TX92 has about 4-5 cables (2 for the LED I guess). How can you tell, if a push button on such box is 'working' or not? hmm, can you name something that you have in mind ?
  7. i already did that in my post above ? // sent from mobile phone // Edit: I love titles on YouTube that promise but don't hold. If I read how to install, I, I mean I personally would expect a video that leads me step by step through that process – imagine it is my first time with Linux und SBC. And then ich klick on your install video.
  8. It says everywhere "Install on Armbian" if a 12min Video needs 2:22 minutes for the installation... answer it yourself.
  9. You focus on the customization of the desktop, but way too little for the newbee on what to look for on the armbian download site ! This is where most stumble and could really need some guidance. For example https://www.armbian.com/pine-h64/ just below the download button you find information what maybe not working. Rock Pi4 seems to be perfect image , no drawbacks mentioned there. But there is the button Check other download options.. what is it there for and why? In conclusion, I would make two Videos : Install Armbian on an SBC - 1/2 how to download and install ( RockPi4B ) Install Armbian on an SBC - 2/2 Desktop Set up - Install to NVMe ( RockPi4B ) Last, but not least - you suggest several programs to install, why not place the code in the comment section of the video: sudo apt install mate-config and so on. Reading the comment section - people who watched it mostly appreciate your tipps for customization of XFCE... while for this you probably find 10-40 videos. I don't want to be negative, but your title is Install Armbian on an SBC and this was too short for my taste.
  10. Hi S912 owners, Since my exchange with @balbes150 I came to the conclusion that the: Tanix-TX92 (Vorke Z6 Plus) Amlogic S912, 3GB RAM, 2,4 & 5 WiFi, USB 2.0, only 2A PSU, Power Button sound like a good balance between price and features USD 52.- from China. Now I was wondering how happy you are with the Chip/Box per se? What is the latest Android that runs well on this box (no interruptions in a movie) ? How is armbian performing in Dual boot, perhaps with Kodi 18? Can someone recommend a good power supply 5V 3A? Thanks
  11. did u already read here ? https://forum.armbian.com/topic/6033-helios4-support/?do=findComment&comment=65792 // sent from mobile phone //
  12. Good news, it is now available on httpS https://store.elezoo.com/nt-n9-rk3328-ultra-4k-tv-box-player-9 but the certificate is out of date.
  13. It harnesses its processing capabilities from the ARMADA 38x-MicroSoM from SolidRun. and then you write later: The Helios4 is an open source and open hardware project, therefore our objective is to publish any data related to the project on this Wiki. https://wiki.kobol.io/ This is not a clear statement and an outsider can only guess what is fact. We (Helios) use the SoM from SoildRun for our purpose - ...so everybody knows you are not the designer of the PCB. or We (Helios) have designed the SoM together with SolidRun and own the design. It is an Open Hardware project. or something else but what you have written in this wiki, I don't understand.
  14. Helios, Qnap, Netgear ReadyNAS, ZyXEL NSA, Synology DS2, Nice compact housing, they already have a community, additional software packages like Domoticz, updates, Linux, sleep mode for HDD and a regulated fan. Why does the world need another NAS?
  15. I am absolutely with you, I also have a bad conscience having something using Nuclear Power for doing nothing. But then looking at families (I don't have children) they give a shit about standby consumption and others like fathers taking 5 papers to dry their hands if 2 would be more than enough. Where is the balance/ justification? To come back to the topic: did you also check the efficiency of your powersupply (INput / OUTput) ? Is it above 80% ?
  16. Board only Idle : 3.6 Watts Active : 5.6 Watts @gprovost - is the information in the wiki current situation or were you able to reduce the consumption ? https://wiki.kobol.io/hardware/#power-consumption
  17. To stay with the SoC (Marvell I guess), I would look at these: https://www.armbian.com/download/?tx_maker=solidrun https://www.armbian.com/download/?tx_maker=kobol
  18. OPi can only cook with water and the guesses there, sound reasonable, but no game changer. Why do you care so much about it?
  19. hhhm, did you get in touch with them personally, maybe even on the phone? Explain them your ideas and trying to find a way to work together? If not... oh my god.
  20. did you already visit CNX it has more than one article and read the posts there? https://forum.armbian.com/topic/8315-daily-tech-related-news-diet/?do=findComment&comment=84186 @tkaiser, mentions on CNX and in this forum about wrong circuit. It is unclear to me whether he means the internal design of the chip or the board.
  21. is aimed at ALLWINNER SoC, not the ones from Rockchip
  22. is this news ? Orange Pi Zero LTS is an update to Orange Pi Zero Allwinner H2+ board https://www.cnx-software.com/2019/07/31/buy-orange-pi-zero-lts-sbc/
  23. I hope you are good in coding, patching and such in the right hand top corner is a search field: try the word "vulkan"
  24. when it stops try this command dmesg | tail -7 To see the last lines of the kernel log and post it here in the Code box // sent from mobile phone //
  25. Power issues are not in the log. Maybe you can borrow a powered USB-Hub to test it. I would like to hear about the result
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