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Everything posted by kentAVR

  1. I want to make article how to build Linux using The Yocto Project for Bananapi M7 board.
  2. As you known OrangePi PC PLUS with armbian (e.g. Armbian 22.05 Jammy) can't be fully off. (But Xunlong's Ubuntu 16 can be off ok) I suggest change status of board from green "Supported" to yellow "SUITABLE FOR TESTING (WIP)".
  3. I use orangepi 4B. I use console Ubuntu with kernel 4 from Xunlong And my CPU Temperature (by htop) is about 70°C I use console armbian with kernel 5 (Governor = powersave). And my CPU Temperature is about 79°C Why so? I want to get 70°C in armbian too.
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