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Everything posted by ArkhanLK

  1. Hey, that's very nice! I am trying exactly to have it as an option for retro games. I have tried libreelec/kodi with IAGL, but not much luck there. I am trying Retroarch on itself but still am struggling... So, for me to try the retropie, do you have a compiled image? Or how would I got about it? Thanks once more!
  2. Ok, so just like out of the blue, you burned that img, installed retroarch, and pcsx ran 60fps? Damn. Edit: if you changed anything, I'd like to know your settings. Would you share?
  3. Hello Tommy! Did you achieve this through retroarch on linux, or through a lakka-self-compited-img...? It's been almost 2 years, lol, so I don't know if you made any progress but in any case, would you be willing to share whatever image you have working best? I am working with the k5.15 and it's been great for many things. Retroarch doesn't seem to be one of them, tho. Maybe I need to tweak it a lot and should not expect it to work great at install, tho... Thanks!
  4. Hey man. I have not tried again... Nothing I tried worked for the box I have (it is 100% the H313 chip, yes). I tried stuff for H616 too, but I may be too noob to figure out how or what to do in this case. Still really looking forward to a solution! So, thanks for quoting me and if you know anything, let me know. I can share my knowledge/attempts with you, but again, it is very basic stuff.
  5. Hey @TeroDada, I also have a H313 box. It seems to be a x96 something... I tried a bunch of images, it does not boot. You said that ubuntu image booted, did you do something with it? I tried to burn it into a SD card but it gives out a warning that it is not a bootable image. I tried anyway, and the box does not boot. Any help would be appreciated at this point! Thanks
  6. My friend, should you find an asnwer for this, please let me know!!!
  7. Hey @tommy, just read this and have also found the images you provided here, but my performance is not even close to yours. Can you tell me what sort of configuration you've made? I have toyed around the options but my games mostly crash. For example, I have tried Tekken 3 and it feels very slow. If I try to swap the video driver for anything but "gl", it will crash. Same with other options that I thought would give a result. Thanks!
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