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Everything posted by Ukhellfire

  1. It's seems your right. Tx is 5v. So I guess I won't be using my arduino! Can I input using the keyboard and hdmi, and then the output through the rx? That way I'm not sending any signal from the arduino, only too it? Does uboot work like that?
  2. Ahhh OK. I get you. I've never really used arduino for anything other than mounting a ramps shield on! Never had the need to use it! I'll double check that in the morning!
  3. Yeah that's what I've just adjusted back to. Question is, does this need to be reflected in uboot? Or is only i2c available for uboot?
  4. Would it not just be plugged into mains as normal? Then just the tx/rx/gnd as normal? And yeah that's what I'm about to do. I changed it without really knowing. Read up on it, and meant to change it back. But forgot. In the dts file from orangepi, it uses i2c, I ported to rsb from the orange pi 3 dts. Should I go back to what was in the original from orange pi? Or is rsb better to use? I've read rsb is better?
  5. Just incase this helps anyone, I've just discovered I should be able to use my old arduino mega2569 as a serial to usb adaptor... I shall try this out later/tomorrow and report back!
  6. I'm going to order from amazon. Should be here next day. Also, already found one error. Unknown hardware address the pmic@36 https://github.com/afaulkner420/Linux-Mainline-5.15y/blob/main/arch/arm64/boot/dts/allwinner/sun50i-h6-orangepi-3-lts.dts#L234 This should be pmic@745 or something I believe... I believe pmic@36 is for i2c, but rsb is being used which should be pmic@745 See here https://github.com/afaulkner420/Linux-Mainline-5.15y/commit/da7543d5f4ff07e928c7ee9dd7ff6d43a9f290de#diff-a4a19679112dc0d3c1b1a94e31bd63da1e10f0614ef50ea9e09bb8d650ebc1b6R231
  7. @jernej Well so far luck is not on my side. I hit the dmesg command and get pages fly up. I hit shift+page up, but can only see the last like, 2 pages... As for the serial adaptor, I have one on order. It should be with me within the next couple of days... i used to have one, but lent it out, and never got it back! Wasnt so worried and didn't think about it for this. Didn't think I'd be needing one!
  8. No it's all just the normal armbian build. Well that's the thing. I seem to be the only person able to boot this? And that's after 2/3 power cycles etc... So I'm back to the dmesg from the shell that the builds are dropping to normally. I can now use initramfs to get a dmesg, but how do I send it to file? Its not going anywhere with the normal command? Am I going to have to start mounting things? Or am I missing something?
  9. I shall give this a go! Thank you! Right. I have no idea how this works. I have just booted a build from a couple of days ago. All i did was reflash the card, and put it in and turn it on. @jernej I had red errors on boot by the looks of it, loading kernel modules apparently. So what ive done, is grab a dmesg from that...? not sure if it will show anything. going to scan through it. ill post a link to it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fjKfERnbD-z2f2C6Ia_UOBMygxzAzmiD/view?usp=sharing fingers crossed this helps a bit!
  10. Ah OK thanks. This is where I can't go much further, unless I can get anyone else here to help out? @Kamileon @Rockford the Roe @orangepifan??? It's not detecting my usb keyboard on the initramfs shell. And I don't have a serial adaptor (yet, about to jump on amazon!)
  11. That's all the sort of thing I've been checking... How would I go about getting the dmesg if it doesn't boot?
  12. I thought I had a pretty good understanding of it! Apparently not! Although, I think it's the uboot side of things letting me down! Haha! @jernej this is the thread. As you can see above, we're not able to boot this board, as the root fs for some reason isn't booting properly, and is hanging at the "starting kernel" stage, and then dropping to the initramfs shell. Was wondering if there qas any direction you could advise going? Or if you've come across this before? Or anyone that has? Any help would be greatly appreciated! And I would owe you big time! Haha! As you can see, I'm trying to bring the board up, but it's not going quite as planned! Haha!
  13. That's fair enough! Any idea who could help? I'm currently comparing orangepis uboot sunxi-common.h and armbians. I think it may be something I there...
  14. This is exactly the problem. I'm trying furiously to find out what's causing this though. And I'm coming up stumped! I'm currently trying to parse the correct path to root. But for some reason, it's just not having it. I can't use the mmcblk path anymore, as this isn't used, and hasn't been used since the 4.x kernel days. Wondering now if anyone else has any ideas? Seen this before? Can point me in the right direction? @Werner Obviously a uboot log has been posted previously here. I believe that would still apply?
  15. Well... there's another img in the folder. I'm adding dated folders at the moment until I start removing. I've upped the rootdelay to 10. I did a search through orangepis github, and the results I found were all set to 10. So I went for that! Haha! I've also told it where to look for the rootfs with the root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 flag. Not sure if this will make a difference or not. Still, I do think things are just taking that little bit to long and uboot doesn't like it. Might be wrong... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16UHmZsGD4qv7HqY5pPtZcQZ1WeEBDFA8
  16. Right OK. You've dropped to a shell. Which means rootfs is there. I like the way it's suggesting rootdelay. Maybe I try upping it? It's set to 5 seconds at the moment. I'll adjust this in the dts files and see what happens! Also going to add in the actual path to root in the bootargs see if it makes a difference. Aswell as a couple of other adjustments.
  17. Is the ethernet actually working? I saw something in my dmesg about ethernet. I didn't plug it in though. Have you tried with a monitor plugged in? I've got a feeling you might see something. As mine boots as soon as the green light shows. I'm hooked into a monitor. And I then go through the create locales bit, then it's sets up my desktop?
  18. Haha yes it is! If it's not booting, there's no point in it being there! Haha! Right. I now have a new link. I've just shared the folder now instead. That way it will always be the latest etc, with sha1 file... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16UHmZsGD4qv7HqY5pPtZcQZ1WeEBDFA8?usp=sharing Any logs/errors etc willalways be appreciated. It's always handy. Oh and look out for any wifi errors etc too, if any! I have yet to test this img. I can't get to my board tonight. So you guys are going to test this before me. Let me know how it goes! I've added a rootdelay of 5 seconds to the kernel/uboot. Hopefully this stops that uuid error. Oh and I've swapped power and status LEDs round. So it will now be a green light instead of a red one. Ah I didn't see this... OK. Damn it. I've set it in both uboot and kernel dts. Would that make a difference? Also, how long a delay did you give it? @orangepifan @Rockford the Roe @Kamileon Has anyone tried the new image? It boots fine for me. I put the sdcard in. I plug the board into mains. It fires up. No issues at all. Green LED (ocd much?) The only thing I'm seeing as I boot up, is the kernel modules aren't being loaded up. This probably isn't a major issue though. So. I now wonder, why I can boot, but others can't? I'm going to re-build with an edited dts file, and upload that alongside the one I uploaded last night. The dts file I'll be using, caused my board to crash. But I'm wondering if it will work for you guys? There has to be either something different with our boards (which I can't see would be major enough to stop it booting) or that my image corrupted when I uploaded it?? The sha1 checksum mentioned above makes me wonder This?
  19. Ook that's not to bad at all. I believe a quick "rootdelay=" should fix that. I think it because it boots from sd it take that little bit longer sometimes for the root filesystem to be loaded. Uboot doesn't see it when it wants it. But you can see it through shell... OK that's just weird. I'm going to recompile uboot with root delay anyway. So let me do that. I shall upload the new img with the new sha file all at the same time... we will get this sorted!
  20. 4885d4478d18945fcbdedb1511115e1078c5533ad07bff8f672dfc01faee4737 *Armbian_22.05.0-trunk_Orangepi3-lts_focal_current_5.15.28_xfce_desktop.img Straight from the sha1 file. I was thinking that earlier actually. But figured it couldn't be! I shall now upload that file with the img! It would be good if that was it! Let me know what you get! Yeah that uboot seems as if its booting. Few minor glitches in there from my quick scan over haha! Damn I need to get me a uart cable!
  21. Hmm very strange. I think there may be 2 variants. What v number does it say on you board? Mines a v1.4
  22. Really? I'm running it right now? Is there different variants of the board I wonder? Any feed back would be amazing! Would uou be able to send me the dtb/dts file of an img that does boot on yours?
  23. Oh I will be don't worry! Over the next few days. The img I can upload remotely, so is easier for me to do at the moment. I want to make sure the board is stable before I carry on with wifi really. Thats what stopped it hanging. I stopped trying to compile the WiFi driver. It's due to there only being older (5.13.y) kernel versions around I think. 5.15.y things changed from what I can tell. Not 100% sure on that yet... Well as promised. Here's the link to the img I am currently running. As I said, I haven't had hardly anytime to test. So please test away! I need to know everything that doesn't work! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pmi_FMRy0nsLo-szKk9xZaR20F-dQSOP/view?usp=sharing
  24. At the moment, everything is local. I do have the rudimental bare bones of the repositories on my github. But would take a bit of playing to get it to build. I'm going to be deleting the repos and starting a fresh from my local build. Then I will be submitting pull requests to armbian. Feel free to keep an eye on my github though. Will be in the next few days it's done. failing that, I can always upload .img file somewhere? Across the surface everything is working. I havent dug deeper yet, and probably won't have time to, at least not for a few days. That's why I've been playing with things I can do remotely, like building it, trying to get the WiFi working etc. For this reason I would love some testers! And even maybe some help with code etc, once I've uploaded the repositories completely. I'll post the link once it's up!
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