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CK Gan

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  1. Hi all, newbee to Armbian here. Have anyone burned img on MacOS and boot OPI4 LTS successfully? My situation is when I burned the img on MacOS (tried using dd, elenaecther, or RPI4 imager), once the write and verify is completed, the sdcard cannot be read by MacOS. When it is used to boot OPI4, nothing came up. I have a few sdcards lying around which works fine for RPI4. I can basically read the sdcard when it is imaged with RPI img file but not the same case after burning the Armbian or OPI4 stocked img files. Could this be specific to these img files on macOS? I do not have windows to try out. The img sha and asc verified. This is what is shown on the diskutil command eventhough macOS cannot read it: /dev/disk3 (external, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: FDisk_partition_scheme *15.9 GB disk3 1: Linux ⁨⁩ 1.6 GB disk3s1 (free space) 14.3 GB - I tried a serial connection to OPI4 but what I seen is garbage output ... tried many different baud rate also same. So basically I have no clue what could be wrong. This is what I see from the CoolTerm output. ..ˇk.Ÿ®Û¡™ˇüùˇœ¯Úˇˇ˘flüü∫Ú˛ÂüˇÈ± ºˇˇ˛ˇˇÙÛˇˇí˝œˇ¸ˇˇ\ˇx„˘¸ˇn√.˚z∑∞˛≠ˇˇı˙Óˇ8fløÔøˇ=ʘo]”˛ıˇˇˇ˛Òˇ˛ˇ˛¸ˇÙ_^ν3˙ˇ˛ôˇÓ˚ˇ˝ˇ~øØÙˇˇ£·˚–≤Îtˇˇ˛¸ˇˇ˛˛ˇˇfl..Sˇùdˇˇg®ˇˇƒÙˆ¸~ø˛è˛˛ˇˇ‘ˇ¬ê∂˝ˇ¸ˇ¸ˇ˛ˇˆ˛¬o‘üΩÂÆ˛ˇø˛Ëˇyzøˇœ~ˆ˝˛Ê˙˚œ˛∫>ˇˇˇ˛˛ÒˇÁ˛˛Û˛˛¸Á˛˝ˇc¯⁄.¯Ùˇ7}¶∫€?˛Ωˇˇˇ¸˚˙ˡúøflæˇ≥Ú¸˛IÁÛÎÔÇ\˛˛¸ˆˇˇÛa¸ˇŒˇ˛¸ˇ¸Ì˚ˆ¸„ˇˇÌ¸ÿβ≈6˛ºˇ¸˙ı¸ˇ˛~flˇfi˙ˇˇ.Ú˛Àß¡8ˇ˛˛˛¸ˇ˛ˇ¸¸fl˙ˇˇ˛˛¸˝¸ˇÜ¯Ú¸¸¸˜flv~ˇ∑ˇÓæ!˝‹˙ˇˇÁ˛œø˛ˇ¸˛ƒ˘fiˇ˚Ùˇˇ˛ÛˇÚ˛˛ˇ$ˇˇÔ˛ˇ˝ˇ‚¿.˘ˇ¯˛¥ˆˆ«.Îø˛ÎͲ˛˘¸ˇæûøˇñ˛ˇˇä¯˘¿.z˛ˇ˙¯ı˛¸˚.˙˛ˇÛˇ˛¸¸¥˘.˘ˇˇ˛ˇß‹{Õflˇ§ˇ˝ˇ‰Œœû˛.€ˇ˛ˇ&˜˝√õà˝ˇˇˇ˛ˇˇˇ˛˚¸]˛ˇˇˇˇ¸˜˛.éˆˇˇˇ˜˚fl≠ù.œÀ˛Ù˙˙ˇ˝wfl˛flˇΩ˛x˚ÛrflÛu˛ˇ¯¯ˇ˛ˇ˛ˆ\˚ˇ„ˇˇ¸˛¸.˛v‰Ò˚ˇˇˇ?.ªÙ«q∫ˆˇˆflˇˇ˛ı˘ˇ˝˛üœfl+˛Ï˙ü§ó˝ˇ¸˛ˇ¯ˇˇˇ˛˘¸é˛˛˛¸ˇ-¯A‰˛¸ˇ Baudrate: 1500000 Data bits: 8 Parity: none Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: off I also try to mount the img file in macOS but seems got problem. This same situation happens to focal version. sudo hdiutil mount Armbian_22.02.1_Orangepi4_bullseye_current_5.15.25.img hdiutil: mount failed - no mountable file systems Any idea? please help and thank you very much.
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