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  1. Ohhh. Sorry, I didn't quite understand this the first time. Installing the .zip file definitely did something, so I reckon that's probably fine. I suppose then there's something wrong with how I've formatted the SD card, but as far as I understand the only thing I need to do is edit the one line of the uEnv.txt file. What else could I be missing? Thanks for the help so far, I really appreciate it.
  2. I see. But how exactly can I resolve these errors then?
  3. I use BalenaEtcher. So after installing the update, I should just be able to use the toothpick method and the device will just boot from the SD card automatically, correct? To be clear, after installing the update and using the toothpick method, I do first see a progress bar and the image of the Android with a spinning shape in from of it (idk how to describe it), but then a couple seconds in it just goes to the recovery menu and gave me the error I mentioned above.
  4. Sorry what do I need to do then? I thought multiboot was just some sort of update for the recovery menu?
  5. The APK worked really well and I was able to enable multi-boot, and without root. I suppose in the future if using the stock app isn't an option for some user, using this APK would be useful suggestion. Much appreciated. However, I now get the following error in recovery mode: (stvm8b is the name of the board) E: Bad bootloader arguments "(null)" Finding update package... Start to check secure update... stvm8b board is encrypted not find bootloader.img in upgrade pachage. skipping... not find boot.img in upgrade package. skipping... not find recovery.img in upgrade package. skipping... Check secure upgrade package pass! Opening update package... Verifying update package... E: footer is wrong E: signature verification failed Installation aborted. Some Googling suggests that I might have to chose a different .xz file (in my case, a different one from this Yandesk directory), or something about my setup of the SD card is wrong. Is that correct? If the latter, what exactly am I missing other than changing the first line of the uEnv.txt to point to a specific DTB file? Thanks
  6. So I'm assuming then that to install the aml_autoscript.zip file I need to use the update app on the box, or use the update option in recovery? Unfortunately, the update app on my box doesn't seem to actually work (it's a Jadoo 4, which is a rebranded ATV585) and I don't currently have the remote to update via the recovery menu. Would I be able to use a different companies update app instead? Would someone be able to provide an APK of such an app (perhaps using an APK extracor)? Thanks
  7. Hi. I'm looking to run Armbian on an ATV 585, which has an S805 CPU. I was told I'd be able to find the most recent kernel/version of the disk image for S805 CPUs in this thread, but the link for the Yandesk S8xx directory only lists the S812, so I think it may have been removed. Would someone mind sending or pointing out to me where that disk image is? If it matters, I intend to use this mostly as a server for some self-hosted projects. Additionally, I'm a little confused as to what files I need to edit on SD card. This great guide explains quite clearly how to setup a newer disk image, but the disk image I have found seems to use the older method. I've found conflicting instructions on whether I need to edit the euEnv.txt file, or copy and paste a file from /dtb and rename it. Every time I try to boot from SD card on my device, I just end up in the recovery menu. If anyone can clear that up that would be much appreciated. Thanks
  8. Hi. I apologize if this is in the wrong section, I'm new to the forum. I'm trying to run Armbian on the Jadoo 4, which is a rebranded MyGica/Geniatech ATV 585 Android TV box. This device has an Amlogic S805 with an "stvm8b" board. I've been trying to follow these two tutorials (Video 1 and video 2) but when I insert the SD card into my device and hold down the rest pin, I end up in the recovery menu instead of booting straight into Armbian. Can someone help me out and give me a specific guide on how to do this? I know this information has probably been said a bunch of times on this forum, but I am genuinely lost. If it's important, I'm looking to run some server-related things with the device (docker, SFTP/SMB, Matrix, some self-hosted stuff, etc.) but I'm also new to linux so a GUI is preffered. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Seriously. I've been on four forums now, sent 3 emails, dealt with two companies, and have done a metric done of research, so some guidance would be great.
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