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  1. A guy on stakeoverflow posted, then was automatically removed, his achivement on this tablet. Hope this can help.
  2. Hi, im thinking about a new low budget tablet with RK3562 to use with Armbian. The main points would be to have the console output on the LCD and maybe also the usability of touch for direct input. There is already someone that own a similar product? (tablet with soc RK3562 or just RK) Im newbie about serial console and debugging, eventually the unlock of bootloader will be a big job or the RK share compatibility in some aspects of booting and more? I found out that there is already a NPU support on github for the RK3562 (rknpu2 repo) Thanks for the replies to all.
  3. Oh i did something myself, i got a cheap 5v usb fan 30mm for 0,01$ on aliexpress (bonus new signup otherwise is less 4$). But is directly powered by usb so i can just decide if it must be ON or OFF and cannot control it otherwise.
  4. @jockthen can you give me some hints for headers so that i can compile myself the specific wifi driver for my realtek chip? Or is impossibile to use wifi at all in that kernel? I think the solution to this question will be usefull to many others that want use wifi on 5.19 kernel. Thanks
  5. @jock ok then i will wait an eventually new kernel by you, i wanted to get the benefits of 5.19 kernel but if wifi is broken then is useless to me. PS: i did some modding in this free time of holidays, from Aliexpress with bonus new user at 0,01€ [see photos] I got better (lower) temps also at fan off...difference in quantity of adesive thermal paste put by stock.... With fan on i hit 26° but at almost 0 load (firewall forwarding wifi-to-eth and pi-hole demon), if i attach HDMI i hit 30° stable.
  6. I installed 5.19.15 image on RK3318 box, but then i lost the driver of realtek usb wifi card i use. There is a way to simply choose the next boot kernel? so that i can clone repo and get .deb headers then boot to 5.19.15 kernel e test/install? (Ps: where can i find the correct 5.19.15 headers for build drivers from source?) Im using this box daily so moving it to ethernet port of router is complicated (is away from pc and im using it for pc connection) Thanks
  7. @jocki installed, one year ago, 5.15.35 image on internal storage. Im not sure where im wrong, but i cant boot into sdcard multi tool (i want to make a backup of internal storage so i can restore before doint testing and junking the system) Is possible or in old 5.15.35 the u-boot only boot internal storage?
  8. Sorry for the weird question, is possible to print, in console or some where else, the received IR codes? I have a smartphone with IR and the tvboxs have a receiver...so maybe i can create my "database" of custom codes of my controllers by saving the codes captured by armbian on tvbox. Would it be possible?
  9. @lmdc45 Yeah too many failing "how to" on web, when you know how to do it with firewall rules is not that hard, but on web many do things/commands without thinking too much. Im not very happy with this mode by using firewall, because it trigger too much the cpu when in high load of packets (like when downloading games from Steam, the cpu temperature skyrock...). Debian has bridge-util that should do the same thing but, hopefully, better then firewall redirections. I didnt find enough doc material on web to be sure it works and works better then my actual firewall rules so for now im stuck to this setup. If you try that bridge-util update me with your results, i just cant ruin my setup because its necessary for my main pc-setup internet connection.
  10. Remember that with IP will change after 72h of system-up, just remove ,72h for always. Probably my mistake, should be all if i remember right, anyway im using it as cheap low latency powerfull wifi-eth for my gaming pc.
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