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  1. I would like to use the mmc commands available in uboot on this board. I am able to boot properly in this mode and "help" properly lists all the commands available in this mode. On my board Armbian is running in EMMC. When I invoke "mmc" or the "mmcinfo" commands the system replies with the following error: Card did not respond to voltage select If I insert an Sdcard in the slot these two commands do respond properly which implies that uboot is seeing the Sdcard as default. Is there a way to redirect these commands to the EMMC? Regards
  2. I am looking to purchase an SBC ideally under $100 to install armbian and develop some hardware projects. I had previously gone for a BpiM5 which also has EMMC but when I came to install software I found there is little support from the makers, installing software is fiddly and the most recent Armbian images for this board were not working. I eventually got this going using Ubuntu Mate. For my next project I would like to change from Amlogic CPU's , use Armbian as the software base and choose a platform which has reasonable up to date support whilst avoiding going for an RPI. Regards
  3. I have installed older versions of Armbian namely the Feb24 version as well as the Aug23 version. Unlike the May24 versions, both installed properly but ran rather slow compared to the BPI Ubuntu version. Unfortunately after a while they hang up and the only solution is to reset the board.
  4. Thanks for your help. I see your install appears to have gone better than min even if you still had errors. So I wonder if I have other issues as well!
  5. Hi, In the past I have had reasonable success with installing Armbian on S905x3 TV boxes. Recently I purchased a Bananapi M5 which uses the same processor with the hope of having a more reliable setup. I have tried to run the various versions of the desktop version for this board. The Noble version gets stuck at installation stage. The Cinnamon version takes forever to install but never completes the installation. The Bookworm version install very slowly but only to command line mode. On the other hand, Ubuntu Mate from the BananaPi site installs pretty fast and most, but not all, packages can be run satisfactorily. Any idea what is going on?
  6. @going, since my last message I continued investigating and I have managed to get it to work. I had tried the "&" suggestion but that did not work in my case probably for the following reason. bCNC uses graphics through Tkinter which in itself requires a GUI to be already invoked. It seems rc.local, and I also suspect crontab, are started before the GUI is invoked so I think this is why my program did not start. Of course it would have helped if I had been given some error message! The solution was to create a .desktop file at ~/.config/autostart/ . The bCNC.desktop file needs to contain the EXEC line formatted as follows: Exec=/usr/bin/python3 /home/xxx/.local/bin/bCNC Note that the full path is required and, strangely, the "-m" option needs to be removed. regards
  7. i have installed a minimal Armbian OS on my s905 box with the intention of running a python3 program directly at startup. Since this program makes use of Tkinter i had to install an Xfse Desktop in order for Tkinter to function. I am able to run my python3 program from command line after the Desktop comes up. I have included my python command namely: python3 -m bCNC as suggested above before the "exit 0" line in the rc.local file. This did not appear to have any effect at all. the system just boots to the Desktop. I actually am not interested at all in using this system for anything besides my program. Can i have some advice on what I can do to get this to work?
  8. thank you SteeMan. I am glad I don't need to go through the SDcard route for future upgrades but how does one transfer a .img version into the EMMC directly? Can you also point me to a link where the use of the ddbr command is explained? Also my box is supposed have the 1000G LAN but that dtb is actually intended for the 100G LAN which is to be found in some versions of the box. Therefore can I directly replace the current dtb with a version suited to 1000G directly or will I be risking blocking everything?
  9. You are correct, none of the dtb's I tried from the release worked for me. Maybe I did not try them all! That dtb had been downloaded and used by me about a year ago when I had made another attempt to install Armbian on my box. At the time installation process worked but the actual install was buggy. Anyway I am happy to report that since yesterday's message, I made another attempt at installation and this time there were only minor issues whilst upgrading which were fairly easily resolved. I am sorry I cannot find the notes I took were I had recorded the actual error but I believe it was something about the system not able to register certain upgrades. These were then cleared and I had no further issues. I even went ahead and installed to EMMC with no issues whatsoever so now I don't need the SDcard anymore which I hope will improve the speed a bit as well as reliability. So far no more issues. I have now only one question, given that I am now operating from EMMC, if in the future I would want to install a new upgrade how would I do it? Will installing from SDcard work or would it be sufficient to use the Upgrade Manager or sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade? Thanks.
  10. HI, I have installed Armbian_community_24.5.0-trunk.93_Aml-s9xx-box_jammy_current_6.6.18_cinnamon_desktop.img.xz from github on my H96 Max Plus 2 using u-boot-s905x3 for u-boot.ext and meson-sm1-x96-max-plus-100m.dtb. The installation goes on without a hitch and the OS runs almost perfectly. However when I run sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade, upgrading appears to proceed properly but when I switch on the box again the software hangs and I have to start anew. Any ideas please?
  11. Thanks for your reply. I did add my user name to dialout but I still was refused permission to access from Python. After booting the user has write permission but not read. I will study the links provided. I hope it is not too complicated for me. I am not a complete novice but certainly no expert. Regards
  12. I would like to permanently change at start up the UART permissions of /dev/ttyAML0 to give user, read write permissions always. I can do this with the usual "chmod" command but this gets reset after every boot and sometimes also during normal operations. Can somebody direct me to how this can be done please? xuraax
  13. I need to use this UART on an S905 system installed with Armbian 22 and Kernel 5.15 through Python. I am able to do this by changing the permissions of /dev/ttyAML0 from 640 to 660. However I need to avoid having to issue the CHMOD command each time I power up. I have written a service in systemd to do this automatically at startup but the CHMOD command has no effect on the port permissions or else they are being overwritten later on during startup. The service is functioning correctly since CHMOD on another dummy file alters permissions as expected. Any suggestions please?
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