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Event Comments posted by Tearran

  1. @schwar3kat  Bear in mind you have clearly the advantage of specialised knowledge here.:D
    Clearly proven by that pattern  😅 , it is brilliant. For one its set context for🤯.... before I get distracted again 😅
    This does not seem to be the place to continue expanding. I am unsure!  Do you have collaborative insight you could share? Could you suggest a better place to expand on this topic? 


  2. :) , Great point,  @Igor  Pointed out a probable solution to the concept, &  https://github.com/armbian/configng/blob/main/bin/armbian-configng#L25

    On 12/6/2023 at 9:02 PM, schwar3kat said:

    How can we include/exclude a script in the menu based on a runtime condition, like it is possible in armbian config?  E.g. depending on a file or executable existing.

    How can we include/exclude a script group in the menu based on a runtime condition like it is possible in armbian config?

    community direction is needed. Such as use cases for what to show or hide, and what to checks to make the determination.  @Igor  Pointed out a probable solution to the concept, Basic consept logic https://github.com/armbian/configng/blob/main/bin/armbian-configng#L25  


    The current armbian-config has much of the said "runtime conditions" covered, To progress development, a generalized approach has been taken, keeping current armbian-config compatibility has been a priority.

    As for general condition checking. There are a some working examples of approach. With some limitations. Arguably $args. :D Sorry, I mean "options". 

    To progress a more focused approach development. Community direction is needed.  GIven my choice alone I would continue Focus on Developing ... ,  More accurately playing with a text editor and flat file UI UX elements, svg, html etc. for the project   

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