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    oolonthegreat reacted to SteeMan in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Moved post to a new thread and edited the log files into spoiler sections
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    oolonthegreat reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    @oolonthegreat This thread is for rk3318 and not rk3188; please open a new thread for that request and also remove the long log lists from here because they make the browsing from mobile very difficult.
    @Aapo Tahkola I meant the four pads at the right of the IR receiver, not the three pads near the led array: those are clearly pads for diodes if you pay attention to the symbols.
    Looking at the back of the @uehqsvbm's board, those four pads have a different wiring than the IR receiver and from the front side there is no immediate connection to the IR receiver; It is not 100% sure because there could be some in-board layer connecting them to IR, but I may guess those are not for IR. Also the central pads immediate connection is to a couple of components that seem to be resistances.
    They could also be spare connection for leds, but in such case a single resistance would suffice and placing resistors there is a waste of components since the board does not have leds there.
    Looking at the front side, the rightmost pad is surely ground (it has the reverse triangle symbol), and the leftmost maybe is VCC (there is a path going to IR receiver), maybe the two central pads are uart RX/TX.
    About the led blinking led issue, this is what google suggests as first answer: https://linuxreviews.org/HOWTO_Control_LED_Lights
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    oolonthegreat got a reaction from jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    @fabiobassa oops, you are right of course. my dyslexia strikes again!
    @jock sorry about that! will edit the post as soon as I get my post edit privileges. @SteeMan could you help with that? looks like I can edit the new posts I make, but not the old problematic one.
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