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  1. how do i run this command before login? setxkbmap -model abnt2 -layout br -variant abnt2 because the keys are switched when I change the keyboard layout to different from English and I did the installation on emmc so that I only boot in ETX4 on the other file systems it doesn't start
  2. more the tested changes will be added to the official image ? the images that it has in an official way does not initialize it always loads the androd
  3. where can i download the official one to see if it has support?
  4. https://github.com/awawa-dev/build/releases this is the link where i found the picture to a button inside that exit of the more searching a little more I saw that the manufacturer has disabled the recovery mode the internet browser is not opening and chromium is not opening
  5. as I do the backup, pressing the button on the VA pin has no effect I'm using the image Armbian_22.05.0-trunk_Tanix-tx6_bullseye_current_5.15.27_xfce_desktop.img this is the model I bought it started normally I can do additional tests to help with additional information https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/32990357869.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.21efcaa4zeR6Iy&gatewayAdapt=glo2bra on the weekend I can take better quality pictures if that's the case https://imgur.com/a/pm9SczS a tip put the username and password in the readme file https://imgur.com/Rltv1Fj after running the utility to configure the wifi 2 times now it is working
  6. is this version currently supported or is there any other cheap tx box to be used instead? I have a pi3+ and also a bananapi but today they are very expensive my idea is to use them for ham radio or for other things like lora for example after all they are much cheaper than a pi faster than one too and if you boot via usb it should be much better
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