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  1. Ohh, this I cannot tell.. I can just tell for myself, that I am grateful for any help and work, that is made to make my system run smoothly But in this case, it really doesn't work. I have installed again and followed your instructions. It feels smooth and looks nice, but, the xfce4 desktop jsut doesn't start, i don't know, maybe a problem with ldm, but I am not sure, haven't found any output.
  2. What I meant by manual, is by using armbian-config. Enable Desktop Environment.. I don't remember the correct phrasing anymore. This should work, too. Maybe I have done something wrong. Thanks for assistance
  3. yes, also tried this way. And also tried to install the xfce de from a CLI installed system. It won't start, xinit not found?
  4. Hello, i am pretty new to arm embedded. I have a Rock64 V3.0 2019-0626 So I downloaded Armbian 22.08 Jammy XFCE from https://www.armbian.com/rock64/ and copied it on a 265GB SanDisk Extreme microsd XC 1 V30 A2 using Balena Etcher. Boot process did work, but startxfc4 did not work. The system just went on a blackscreen, but i could still switch to another terminal with alt+f1 ... Best regards, Bo
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