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Gunwoo Gim

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  1. the version number of zfsutils-linux was too low for the new version of zfs-dkms. So I downgraded zfs-dkms but the recent version of linux kernel was too high for the old version of zfs-dkms. I tried armbian-config to change the version of the kernel down to 6.6 from 6.12.18 but somehow it just repeatedly tried to build dkms modules for 6.12.18 again and again so I just gave up using armbian-config. I eventually replaced the linux kernel and headers with the older version 24.8.2 ( sudo apt install linux-image-current-meson64=24.8.2 linux-headers-current-meson64=24.8.2 linux-dtb-current-meson64=24.8.2 ) After these downgrades ZFS started working fine.
  2. I had erased everything from the storage where the petitboot was installed by vendor. I believe I'm using the uboot configuration came with the Armbian img file. Awesome! I didn't know it was already in the kernel hehe, the package wireguard-dkms being installed by default when you install wireguard package was misleading.
  3. Thank you so much for the replies, Igor and Ning, I appreciate it. I tried installing linux-image-arm64 from the debian repo. but it didn't manage to boot, or even output anything on screen. It seems the most recent version of linux-image-current-meson64 (22.08.7 / linux-5.19.17-meson64) does support loadable modules, but now a tangential problem has come to me: wireguard-dkms won't build. ( It says "Error! The /var/lib/dkms/wireguard/1.0.20210606/5.19.17-meson64/aarch64/dkms.conf for module wireguard includes a BUILD_EXCLUSIVE directive which does not match this kernel/arch." ) How can I manage to have not just loadable kernel modules but also ZFS in kernel instead of user-space? err, I'm sorry I wrote this question wrong, How can I have both ZFS in kernel space like I did by installing version 22.08.7 of linux-image-current-meson64, and also wireguard-dkms?
  4. Hi, I'm trying to use ZFS but the kernel I'd like to use doesn't support loadable modules. The version is 22.08.4 at the moment (5.10.147) Can I use zfs-dkms on linux-image-current-meson64? And I'm curious why loadable modules are not supported by default for linux-image-current-meson64, is it same with every model? or probably Odroid-HC4 is one of the models in which loadable modules are not build by default? System diagnosis information: https://paste.armbian.com/ezisijedob Thank you, Gunwoo Gim
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