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Everything posted by Erica

  1. Thanks for the response, I will dig around some more. Screens in general seem to have a lot of Dificulties. I'd rather have mipi, but that rarely works.
  2. I've tried all the documented parameters with no luck. I didn't know that hdmi was an interface that might not work.
  3. I've not used a pi, so I'm not familiar with How that os configures it's uboot.
  4. Hello, I have a 5.5" waveshare hdmi screen. For some reason it is blank on all my SBCs. Vim3, vim4 with armbian so far. It works perfectly for my Mac mini running Arch. I've tested cables and power. It has instructions for special settings to add to pi os' /boot/config.txt. Hdmi_force_hotplug=1 Among other things. Is it possible I need the same for armbian? Where would that go?
  5. The default /. bashrc over rides any title or name setting set on the command line for all xterm and urxvt terms. This is very ugly and irresponsible behavior. I'm not sure where the source is kept but those lines of code need to be removed. Setting the prompt is one thing, smashing the title and name is something else.
  6. Ok, I did not erase spi. I do have the old krescue. I will try again after erasing spi. It's good to know it's working. Thank you, Erica
  7. I'm not sure where to report this. I think this is a common problem across distros for arm. I had this same problem with manjaro arm a month ago. On a fresh install of armbian. 24.3 cli. Emacs 28.x is available. It is missing a lot of elpa packages because of out of date gpg keys. It cannot find elpa.gnu packages. It is, for me, completely unable to load and use my emacs configuration. Package-initialize and package-refresh-contents do not fix it. I built the current emacs from source, it's version 29.3 and that works much better.
  8. So it just boots directly to oowow. There is a menu item for shutdown or reboot. Reboot tells you to remove any sdcards beforehand. So I didn't. And the sdcard booted. It has installed, and reboot works. I installed to emmc and nvme. So far so good. Tried the ts1040 screen once. It might ve not been plugged correctly. Dead computer. I need to try the other direction. Copper down.
  9. Reverified the sdcard image. The board boots directly into oowow. I dont see an obvious way to tell it to boot from sdcard. Holding the function button on power up does nothing.
  10. I am wondering how to install this. I've installed armbian on a nanopc, and edge V which is now a brick after a brief use as an armbian machine. But never successfully to a vim 3. I have a fresh out of the box vim3 that fails on boot with the current image on sdcard. The first vim4 was a doorstop on arrival. I finally have a second vim 4 that does seem to work if I push the function button 3 times it goes to oowow. But so far nothing that I've read works to boot from sdcard. "Holding the function button while power on." I havent found any instructions here about an install process other than insert the sdcard and power on, which does absolutely nothing. I have the latest cli image on sdcard. Also, I take it that vim4 only supports legacy? Any help is greatly appreciated
  11. Is there still an image somewhere to try? I just got back from being away and link for the image above is a 404. I tried the official download. 24.5 No luck. After pressing the center button 3 times it tries to boot but cannot initialize ethernet or retrieve pxelinux.cfg. It fails with what looks like a prompt. But it does not do anything. I have a photo but it fails to attach.
  12. Is there still an image somewhere to try? I just got back from being away and link for the image above is a 404.
  13. Yes. I have krescue. It still hasn't worked. I have a vim3 from a year ago that I have manjaro booting from sdcard. I'd like it to be armbian, but havent managed to get an armbian sdcard to boot in it. Its my only working vim3. I bought a Vim4 recently. But it was DOA. Now I'm travelling and have no recourse but to keep using manjaro which Kind-of sucks. I left the android only vim3 at home.
  14. I should report that I successfully installed bookworm on the vim3 pro by wiping emmc and spi with my old version of krescue. I still have no answer without krescue. I installed minimal, then xorg and xmonad. No dm or desktop. It seems stable, but with xorg it only runs a while before there is a run away process and it locks up and overheats. It could be anything, but i run a barebones xmonad, emacs setup. Still running on sdcard. Fully updated.
  15. Thank you. It would be good to clarify those instructions. I read through the thread that I started in june and its not clear to me that a solution was found. If I get a vim 4 I'll let you know if the screen works. We did get the nanopc t4 working with it's screen last year so i know its possible.
  16. Ah. Yea those are no longer valid instructions as krescue no longen exists and khadas is against its use even if you can find it. I have it, but the instructions didnt work in June so they are less likely to work now.. I'm hoping that because vim 4 is in a higher support tier that it will all work. Although I know that linux support for embedded displays is terrible and almost non existant.
  17. Ok, i do have one, but not a vim4. I have a vim 3. But armbian doesnt install on a vim3 as far as i can tell. No applicable or verified instructions exist for installing it there. I would like a working vim board with armbian. So maybe a vim4 is my only choice. I have not seen the screen work outside of android that came with it. On an edge V or vim 3 with any mainline distro. But it is expected to work? I will have to buy a vim4 to try.
  18. Ive tried both armbian downloads, and the original manjaro. None do anything. I end up in android only the krecover Image has actually booted from sd. Im doing something wrong but i dont know what.
  19. I just did find a krecovery image and booted into that. Flashing armbian again to another sdcard, the image seems fine. Ill try manjaro next. Id rather have armbian.
  20. I had tried, but when it didnt work I read the directions for the board which say to get krescue still. I still have manjaro running on my other board from june. So i never did get armbian on my other vim3.
  21. I tried going to the bootloader from there but it just hangs with the khadas logo.
  22. Not so far. Power button reset button trick takes me to android recovery. That menu doesnt seem helpful.
  23. I am wondering if the ts1050 or some other embedded screen is working with the vim4 at this time?
  24. I just realized i asked this in june and there is still no resolution. Sorry. Erica
  25. I was going to install armbian on a new vim 3 board but it seems that krescue no longer exists. Is there another way to install armbian to a vim 3? Does the vim 4 have the same problem?
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