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Tomasz Grzegurzko

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  1. Likely a kernel issue at a guess. I went back to an old build using bookworm but with 5.x and had similar issues although I could boot with USB devices plugged in and then detected, I got many USB bus reset errors and the device was unusable. Is the correct route here to file a bug?
  2. OK my experimentation has continued and I've discovered an interesting problem. USB doesn't work. I've flashed a vanilla Hardkernel image (ubuntu-20.04-3.10-minimal-odroid-c1-20200519.img.xz) and all is well, ruling out any hardware issue. lsusb shows the root controller hub on the custom Bookworm armbian build: Armbian-unofficial_25.02.0-trunk_Odroidc1_bookworm_current_6.6.43_minimal.img. I've plugged in a webcam and a flash drive, non of which appear in lsusb nor generate any stimulus within dmesg. I've since done git pulls on the repo so I can't tell exactly which git rev this was built on or from; I'd suggest it dates from my last post, Dec 17 2024. lsusb under the Hardkernel image shows the controller hubs as well as the listing in lsusb, plus dmesg. All seems well. Any one else experience this?
  3. Thanks to torz77, I just resurrected my odroidc1 with the Debian image (which is more than good enough for me!). Thank you!!
  4. Sorry I didn't get notified of the question! Anyway I didn't use anything fancy, just used the text/console tools to build, no command line options given at build time I entered them in using the TUI. Have been running the C1 for a long time now, aside from being unable to reboot from command line, other than that it works fine.
  5. Hi, I today managed to build and successfully deploy an Armbian Odroid C1 (previous days there was some compile error in das-u-boot, but a git pull today sorted that). I've had it running for half a day, seems OK so far. So while there are no builds, compilation and deploying of a standard console jammy image seems to work!
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