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  1. Tony3's post in Building Kernel does not build modules (*.ko) was marked as the answer   
    First of all thanks to have helped me on that matter.
    I found out what the issue was. When switching some option to M, some code had to be patched as it sounds like it was not expecting to become module or calling a module.
    The general root cause is that some C code is missing instruction like "MODULE_IMPORT_NS(DMA_BUF);", to use module symbols of another module or like "EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(dma_contiguous_default_area);" to make some symbols available to other modules.
    After making the whole "Media support" branch as a module, I had to make the attached patchs and apply them to my linux kernel 6.1 V24.05 by copying them in the directory build/userpatches/kernel/rk35xx-vendor-6.1
    After doing that all went fine, I got the new Armbian Kernel built, and was able to compile the tbs drivers against it by following instruction there https://github.com/tbsdtv/linux_media/wiki
    All drivers working fine with tvheadend and using Kodi as a viewer (with hardware acceleration)
    At the end, I am impressed that it worked that well, thanks to Armbian to make the building of a kernel so easy.
    cma.patch contiguous.patch f_uvc.patch
  2. Tony3's post in How to make the whole "media support" branch a module was marked as the answer   
    The solution consisted to set the parameter CONFIG_PHY_ROCKCHIP_SAMSUNG_DCPHY=m.
    This eliminates the compilation error, as it makes that code a Module.
  3. Tony3's post in Chromium keep asking for consent when doing a search on google, have to re-login after restarting chromium .... was marked as the answer   
    I created a new user and it works fine with it.
    Then I inpected the user not working and noticed:
       - the .config/chromium is a link to /run/user/1000/tony-chromium
       - df command is showing:
     tmpfs             787428    20416    767012   3% /run/user/1000
    overlaid          787428    20416    767012   3% /run/user/1000/chromium-chromium
    What is this /run/user/1000 ? It seems to be a temporary directory, thus a good reason what I seem to loose cookies.
    Of course for the user working there is no such link for .config/chromium
    Waiting forward for some light on this setup that was not made by me!
    I removed the link .config/chromium   rerun chromium, and no issue anymore.
    thanks again.
  4. Tony3's post in spontaneously boot at initramfs was marked as the answer   
    I think you need to do an fsck on your root and boot devices. 
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