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  1. Mine freeze randomly on pi 5 plus. Let say freeze once a week, but I can still get control with ssh and reboot. I guess this is the best we can get with voluntary support . So would rather thanks all the ones giving us a not so bad working system. The question I would ask is how to diagnose the cause of a kodi freeze? What should be run before the freeze? After the freeze?
  2. Adapter ? Simply cut and make a soldier? Of course you have to buy the 2 pin socket , very easy to find and buy .
  3. I did that in the past using sudoer functionalities.
  4. Kde connect is a nice toy controlling mouse keyboard of Ubuntu desktop running gnome from android. Can do more things as well. It is a gnome extension that can be installed with the command sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect All other installations way failed for me. Only for the ones interested....
  5. I got the issue on chromium Anyway is psd useful nowadays with ssds? I removed the link some time ago so i cannot really reproduce the problem anymore. What was the softlink please ?
  6. Just wondering if having profile-sync-daemon (psd) is causing troubles to you. After installing Armbian, I noticed that whenever I was restarting Chromium and accessing youtube, the system was asking me a login. The authentication cookies were simply disappearing after each restart of chromium. To avoid that I removed a link of my .profile directory pointing to a tmpfs filesystem (you see the tmpfs file system, use the df command). I read that it is used to avoid read/write on storage, as all I/O are done in Ram, but obviously in my case it was not really working, as I was loosing my cookies. Does anyone else uses that feature? Is this useful nowadays when using SSD's?
  7. Not sure why but after sudo update Kodi.bin disappeared was getting an error kodi.bin not found I was trying to reinstall it with sudo apt Iinstall Kodi, but I was still getting the same error. Until I discover that I had to run command Sudo apt install kodi-bin This worked.
  8. Returning and giving up is indeed a simple solution! (the other solution may consist of giving more information about the type of network used, wired? wifi? what wifi card?.....)
  9. Have you redirected the sound to hdmi in the settings? Default send to the jack.
  10. I had similar issues in the past with a bad SD card
  11. have you thought about using another SD card? Maybe SD card corrupetd? this is the other common thing between all your tries.
  12. Probably stupid remark, but why entering 154? 77) es_VE.UTF-8 154) Skip generating locales Please enter your choice:154
  13. This one https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DcBqV4QWj0lE&ved=2ahUKEwiMv9zJ34uDAxVDVkEAHbxODTAQwqsBegQIFxAF&usg=AOvVaw3Krv-RVjaUZPHIavZ3_p9s It install the orange pi5 boot loader on the spi. I used that method to flash armbian on pi5 and pi5plus and it works pretty well. If you still want to boot on that SD card that you copy from to ssd, you have to change the partition Ids on the sd after the move or reinstall in the sd card to get new partition ids
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