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  1. Welp, nothing shows up in Moba when I turn it on. So I think I'm over it at this point. At least I will be after I glue this board to a clay pigeon. No, this calls for tannerite. Thanks for all your efforts @royk!
  2. @royk I haven't had a chance to track down all my arduino stuff, it must have gotten mixed into the giant bin of drone FCs/PCBs. New serial adapter coming tomorrow. I've always just used Windows to flash SD's w/Etcher. Except I used OPi's SDtool or whatever for the Android flashes. Arm flash I've been using is: Armbian_23.02.2_Orangepi5_jammy_legacy_5.10.110_cinnamon_desktop I'll wait and see what I can read from the serial. When I couldn't find my board, I figured I'd just try out your solution since everything you described made logical sense based on all the criterion. I did notice however, that I only pulled 1.6V @ PIN 8... I've typically used a 5V/3A power supply and never had any issues. Could underpowering the SPI prevent me from resetting it maybe?
  3. Damn. No dice. I really appreciate the responses @royk. I'll try a few more times when I recover some of my patience.
  4. Ok thanks so much @royk. So I'm only shorting across those 2 pins, not shorting them to ground, yeah?
  5. I know this is infant level difficulty -- but before I do something else stupid... shorting SPI is just jumping PIN 23 to GRND correct? So... 1) Power off - Install jumper 2) Install clean SD flash 3) Power on - Remove jumper 4) Erase SPI flash 5) Happy baby Correct?
  6. Aaah thank you! I had the manual w pinouts but I didn't see the schematics anywhere before.
  7. I'll have to read up on some of that but I will give it a go, thank you for your reply much appreciated.
  8. Would anyone be kind enough to suggest some specific board locations I should check voltage, to figure out if my board just died on me? Or is there any method to "hard reset"? I had been running Armbian Cinnamon Desktop/Octoprint just fine, and then as usual... curiosity killed the cat: - I started messing with an Android 12 SD boot. - Played around with RKDevTool for a minute, to see if I could boot from the NVME SSD that had just arrived earlier that day. - I realized all that would take (me) more time than I had at the moment, so I backed off then focused on trying to get Android to work on my touchscreen in portrait mode. - Messed with a few display Dev Settings, but they didn't seem to have any effect so I restarted the unit using the Android UI power button/restart. Since that restart: - No boot (I assume)/video out. Switched back to Armbian SD. No boot/video out. Tried Orange Pi "Droid" OS, nothing. - Tried them all again on brand new SD cards. Nada. - All of my "X" to HDMI adapters and HDMI out had been functional before, now I got nothing nowhere. - On power, red light on board and my fan fire up, but nothing else. No lights on Ethernet port when it's connected. - Tried to get back into MaskROM mode to see if something was up in there, but board not found. - Argh.
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