SoC Allwinner R40/V40 , 1GB DDR3, no emmc, system on SDCard
attached to SPI0 is an small Display with an SSD1306 controller. SSD1306 can act on I2C or SPI.
The displaycontroller is connected to SPI0 - SCLK,MOSI,CS0 and two more I/O pins for reset and Data/Command switch. BananaPi acts as master.
I have connected an oscilloscope to the SCLK line to see what happens. Regardless of the Display is connected or not, I can't see any changes on the clock line. If I use the SCLK line as output via /sys/class/gpio/gpio66 (created with export for GPIO PC2) I can change the level manually and trigger the oscilloscope.
I checked also the spi0 statistics under /sys/class/spi_master/spi0/statistics. I have written a small test which sends 3 Bytes to spidev0.0. After calling the test, bytes_tx increases by 3 and messages by 1. So I think the driver is called correctly but there is no change on the clock line.
THX for your help