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Everything posted by Kenny

  1. Hey folks, im trying to compile a realtime kernel for mt orange pi 5. I plan to use it for djing. A fully preemptive kernel delivers better performance for this, as less xruns appear. I am following the official dev instructions and am using the docker method, Compiling only the kernel, not the entire armbian OS. I copied a realtime patch (actually I tried several sub versions of 5.10) from the kernel.org realtime project site into the userpatches directory (I looked up the correct orange pi 5 subfolder name but forgot it rn) but compiling throws me some errors. Has anyone succeeded in creating a kernel like this for the orange pi 5 and/or could give me any advice for doing so? I actually dont care much about the kernel version, I just need it to be fully preemptive .. Help is much apprecieated! Kenny
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