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Everything posted by ufsm

  1. @hzdm Wow, congratulations, it's a shame I found someone willing to pay good money for my box, so I sold it, then I bought a T95 plus rk3566 and since then I've been using it, but now I'm willing to buy the h95 max v56 and test its image
  2. Hey guys Test the images on your device. ✔️ UBUNTU JAMMY SD CARD https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eGbA3MQVtbBOUWz6T7zxvwyTz6qDqe41/view?usp=drive_link ✔️ UBUNTU JAMMY EMMC https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V5PWhMLadTasRlFr8wIlrxyZZyo3U63f/view?usp=drive_link ✔️ DEBIAN BULLSEYE SD CARD https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NTbXC3T7xUlVzaz200cuHOcvPXjQRzBR/view?usp=drive_link ✔️ DEBIAN BULLSEYE EMMC https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rAyvEvFyBF8lGpJdOKL1tjQlWfSXThhF/view?usp=drive_link
  3. great, as soon as I have some time I'll try it out, I have a cp21xx ttl serial converter, soon I'll be posting the board's log output.
  4. Greetings Brazilian friend. My box has 8GB of ram. I also soldered the SD card adapter and couldn't via SD with the Wipe file. With the Rockchip image you created, I did the first step successfully. But the second step my device goes into maskrom mode and I can't go on, maybe for the 8Gb model it's a different procedure I apologize if the English is not understandable
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