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Wonder Xyril

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Everything posted by Wonder Xyril

  1. @RaptorSDScan i still install other armbian that are compitable with allwinner h313?
  2. @RaptorSDShi, i've removed the heat sink, and it says allwinner h313. can i still install it?
  3. its not booting in my tv box, allwinner h313
  4. @RaptorSDS I bought a fake tv box (https://shp.ee/w5h2xzg), it says that its amlogic, but in reality it is RK322x. I've tried flashing most of the builds that is related to RK322x, but none of them worked. I have flashed it directly to the sd card and used the multi tool to burn and nothing worked. (direct sd card - nothing happens, not booting) (multi tool - eMMc not showing, and the image cant be found.)
  5. Hi, I want to install armbian with my tv box that has rk3229 chip. But it seems that I cannot install it due to compatibility issues, can you help me please? I also noticed that your multi tool has bash script, we have a project and it needs to be done by this week, I was hoping that i can use your multi tool since it has the same function as the armbian (bash script) and I want to have an access where i can install mariadb, ssh, apache2 for our requirement. Can you please help me? Thank you so much!
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