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Everything posted by guitoscan

  1. Hello guys! After struggling with a dead MXQ with a Rockchip and a then with a new MXQ but with an Amlogic, here i am with an brand new H20 ready to go to garbage can hahahaha. I made some test with this board and the processor is an RK32xx (32A if i remember well), but i noticed a few thing that may help to solve this board... ( i don't know if this topic is the right topic to write about, so, moderators, feel free to move or delete if i'm doing something wrong) 1 - The board don't boot from the sd card. And when i say "don't boot", the board really don't boot if there's a sd card in the slot. Nothing, nada, niente, nitch... Only a blank screen and neither the Android shows up. I've tried a SD with Multitool and with the uncompressed Armbian, and in the both cases the board seems dead 2 - The board boot the Android if there's an USB stick in any of the two USB ports And the content of the USB is read by the OS after boot 3 - The image that's Rhodam posted allow the "developer options" and allow ADB but... (quick note: My another MXQ - with Amlogic - have an UI that didn't allow the user to set the developer options, so i think that's important to tell). I tested the online ADB from google and i couldn't find the device. I used the drivers provided in the link, but the app didn't find the board. In the other hand, my pc recognize the board (with lsusb and with the "device manager" from Windows). 4 - rkdevelopertools don't work (was expected) How i said, the pc recognize the board, but, the most important commands from rkdevelopertools didn't work. Some commands to gather information about the processor worked well (images below). However the important commands doesn't work or don't have a practical effect. I tried erase the flash and the rk did it but the Android still working after that. And sometimes the rk appears to start the "downloading of the bootloader", however the process need to be canceled because takes to long and nothing practical really happens. In the most cases, the red message of error appears in this process. And while i'm writing this, i remember that i tried use and image (i don't remember if was an Armbian or an image from another tvbox) with the tool provided by Rhodam, but the software stopped at the beginning of the processes, so, this kind of "bruteforce" doesn't work too =P Well, this is the progress i made yesterday, when i restart this project. For now, i'm feeling stuck, but i believe i have all the tools (dual-boot pc, board and a male/male usb chord) to keep this investigation and try any possible solutions to make this work on this board, so, if you guys have any hint, thoughts or suggestions, i'm opened for it and i'll keep the forum up to date with the progress. 👍 Thank you for your time and for the rest, i believe my English was, at least, comprehensible 😃
  2. Did you said that they are often assembled with scrap parts by the own manufacturer? Lol =P Ok, my first option will be try to recover the original Android. I'll search and read a little bit about the rkdeveloptoll and AndroidTools procedures. Then, if I have success, I'll look for some apps and gather all possible information about the board and processor. But, only in the next week, since I'm stuck with the final work from my postgraduation When I start, having progress or no, I'll keep you update here in the forum. I think I'm not the only one that's could be having trouble with this board. TKS
  3. Hello guys! @jock, I burned another image in the SD card (Armbian 23.8.0 lunar and bookworm), changed the /boot/ArmibianEnv.txt like you told to do and, unfortunately, the freezing still happening. I noticed some thing at these new tries: 1 - In both cases (Burned Image or Multitool) the board still alive for only 60s. Sometimes less than 60s but never more 2 - The "freezings" are a little bit different: 2.1 - There's a Freezing that keep all the boot's information on the screen and the indicator led is off; 2.2 - There's a freezing that's erase all the information of the screen but keep it alive, and the indicator led still on (most common); 3 - In a few times the board simply don't boot (rare). Well, i think that my options are running low =P So, I'll need help for those new tries: 1 - Do you know which is the voltage range of this board? I have a some good 12v sources but i don't know if this board have a voltage regulator (i believe so) of if this regulator can handle 12 volts; 2 - Maybe, I really don't know, but there's something i can try in the "maskrom" mode? I look for the board model on google but i didn't find anything about the points I have to short in this model (ZQ01 - V1.3 20210728). 3 - How I said in the first post, I was a little bit sloppy and besides destroyed a SD card I complete erase the original OS from this board. There's a way to reinstall or recover this OS? Finally, I'm very thankful for your reply. I just order a new tvbox (same model, but hoping for a better board this time) yet I haven't give up from this one, so any tip, suggestion or advise is welcome. A great week for everyone and TKS ADDENDUM: I forget of mention that with the original SO (an Android), the board worked fine. I keep it running for, maybe, one hour or two before start the Armbian instalation. And, how i already mencioned, only in the Multitool boot the problems started.
  4. Hello guys, I'm having a little trouble with a board and need some help to solve it. I don't know if this is the correct place for this question, so I'll be strictly to the point. I have a MXQPro with a RK3228A and the board is freezing during the boot. I've tried a few Images, from Multitool and directly from the SD Card (and then a flash drive, since I was sloppy and killed my SD in the process). I've follow the steps from de first page, but the freezing happening: 1 - 60s after I power up the board (with Multitool); 2 - while the boot is happening (from the directly boot) (this 2 situations happened with the SD and the usb flash drive) I've spend a few hours searching about this problem and I found a post from 2022 from a guy called Eliel. This post was answered by @jock and he said that's probably was "garbage" from another OS, but i didn't find the conclusion from this situation. I'm using Pop!_Os and "burning" the images with Popsicle and the Multitool build is df794d4 - 19/10/2022 But after Eliel's post and the comments from Jock, I don't believe that the problem came from the images, power supply or heat (since Eliel tried this possible solutions and doesn't had success). Here are pictures from the board (idk if could be helpful somehow, but...) https://photos.app.goo.gl/YZSEf9mWCnjaVFp37 So guys, I'll be very glad if, somehow, you could help me with this situation (even if the answer be throw the board in the recycle bin and buy another) TKS
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