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Stephen Graf

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  1. I built a debian edge image and yes the overlays are not where they used to be. Armbian-config does not even have a hardware option to work on the overlays. I suspect that work on armbian-config is causing changes that have not yet been fully completed. If you need to use overlays, I suggest that you stick with the current releases where overlays still work through armbian-config.
  2. I assume you have built an edge image with a 6.10.9 kernel. Is it debian or ubuntu? I will try to replicate such a build.
  3. @SteeMan Unfortunately there is a statement on the downloads page that says sound is not working. This needs to be removed but I don't know how to do it.
  4. @mc510 It confuses me too, but I can get sound out of the correct channels by unmuting only Left Output Mixer DACL and Right Output Mixer DACR. If you leave these muted and unmute Left Output Mixer DACR and Right Output Mixer DACL the channels are reversed. If you unmute all four you get left+right in both channels. I do not know what the LINEOUT muxs are for.
  5. @TRay Try connecting to the serial port and watch the output while powering up without the SD card. This will tell you what boot options are available.
  6. @going Cut the log file by taking out all the kernel build log entries. https://paste.armbian.com/ibamekatak
  7. @ColorfulRhino No, it says "something went wrong" when I try to save. The files are over 2MB long.
  8. @going I compiled with your test script for legacy orangepione. There was no image produced. The curl command to upload the log file did not work and uploading the log file to this message also failed. I did pull the attached patches section from the log file. Can I email the files to you directly? build_log_patches.txt
  9. I did manage to build a minimal legacy image (24.8.0-trunk, sunxi-legacy:6.1.94) from the current Armbian build system and it gets stuck at the "Starting kernel" message. putty.txt
  10. I just tried to build a legacy image for orangepione and it fails. I'll try again later. https://paste.armbian.com/ijiyegidak [🚸] Command failed, retrying in 15s [ apt_find_upstream_package_version_and_download_url base-files ] curl: (28) Operation timed out after 10306 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
  11. @sakesm Thank you for testing and for the update. At least there are workarounds, although I really don't like things that do not work properly.
  12. The community images from June 7 have analog and HDMI sound. The analog sound needs to be unmuted which can be done with alsamixer.
  13. The sound patches have now been implemented in Armbian current and edge. The community images for orangepizero3 are only updated once a week. So either wait for a new image or build one yourself from Armbian build on github.
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