Hi Jimmay. No progress yet. Since my post here I've spent time learning the basics of u-boot and reviewed some files/scripts located on the latest pfsense plus image, which contains the necessary device tree (dtb) files for both of our netgate appliances. To my understanding, those dtb files are required for a custom armbian image or probably more luck with freebsd.
If you have access to the latest pfsense plus image ( you need to contact netgate TAC and provide the netgate appliance ID/serial), you could check out the content of the dtb files and the netgate recovery script found under /etc/rc.recovery, which seem to do the magic by setting up u-boot, format partition and flash the image (pfsense plus),
Doubtful if it would work work to build a generic Armbian image for personal use with the dtb files? Will give it a few more tries and if all fails, I sell the damn thing and get supported hardware instead 😀