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Posts posted by wizardknight

  1. I am about ready to shoot my want to be server.

    I have an Ubuntu samba server running a public share on my LAN. The share has no username or password required to make it windows friendly. No other system has issues accessing it.


    I have a new ROCK64 running Armbian 23.11.1 Bookworm CLI.

    It will not mount a CIFS share at boot, but will mount it with a mount -a command.


    Fstab entries that have not worked:

    // /mnt/NAS cifs rw,user=,password=,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,async,x-systemd.automount 0 0

    // /mnt/NAS cifs vers=3.0,rw,user=,password=,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,async,x-systemd.automount,_netdev,x-systemd.after=network-online.target 0 0

    // /mnt/NAS cifs rw,user=,password=,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,async,x-systemd.automount,_netdev 0 0


    Relivant journalctl -xb output:


    Feb 08 14:58:37 rock64 mount[1355]: mount error(101): Network is unreachable

    Feb 08 14:58:37 rock64 mount[1355]: Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg)

    Feb 08 14:58:37 rock64 kernel: CIFS: Attempting to mount \\\15tb_NAS

    Feb 08 14:58:37 rock64 kernel: CIFS: VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation. Feb 08 14:58:37 rock64 kernel: CIFS: VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -101


    This looks like the network is not coming up in time, but I have tried x-systemd.automount and _netdev  and x-systemd.after=network-online.target as options to make the system wait for the network.

    Shouldn't one of those fix the issue?


    Maybe I have been looking at this to long, and can't see the forest for the trees.

    Can anyone else see an issue here? I figure it's user error, but maybe there is a bug in this build?

    Feel free to ask questions if something is missing, and I will provide whatever I can.





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