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Marcio Melo

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  1. I'm from Brazil, I managed to install it on a TV BOX, Model on the label: (MXQ-H58 v4.02 HXW 19040901-2-A), Z CPU data: Cortez Allwinner H3 1.01 Ghz, quad-core 4 x 1 GHz - 2 Gb RAM and 12 Gb EMMC, physical data taken with a magnifying glass: Wifi Internet: XR819 (2.4 GHZ), Memory 4x SDRAM DDR3: K4B2G0446C, 4GB eMMC: KLM4G1FEPD. The firmware: Armbian_23.8.1_Orangepipc_jammy_current_6.1.47.img.xz worked perfectly using SD, Network cable, USB keyboard and HDMI TV, all the initial procedure and updates were done. The reboot does the procedure and in the end it doesn't reboot, nothing that gets in the way, I've already tested it by cutting off the power and turning it on, the system returns very quickly, very satisfied with the project, I implemented Docker and Home Assistant core, the whole set performs very well. Maybe later on I'll try to experiment and play the initialization part in emmc, at the moment I don't see the need, the system is very agile. Many thanks to the entire team of developers and enthusiasts.
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