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  1. Thanks @SteeMan, that is exactly what i was trying to do
  2. Hi is it possible to build only armbian system and use it with pre-built kernel and u-boot? I would try to use armbian in a custom board with kernel and bootloader I have already built in a local directory What should I pass to BUILD_ONLY to build only armbian system and how to set it together with my u-boot and image? Thanks Riccardo
  3. Thanks Gunjan I probably made some errors in board configuration file and I am troubleshooting. Thats correct This make me have a fat16 partition, and with correct configuration I was able to get a bootable partition with ID 0e: is it possible to make a fat32 partition to obtain a "0c" partition? (I am referring to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_type), the only difference between the types is fat16/fat32 an for my system fat32 is better thanks again Riccardo
  4. Hi, I'm trying to generate an Armbian image for a custom board. I generated configuration files for card and family, with the necessary information for u-boot and kernel. I need to have separate boot partition in FAT and I added BOOTFS_TYPE="fat". Using the compile.sh in the Armbian "build" repo I get an image, but flashing it on the sdcard does not start uboot. In the boot partition I find not only the kernel and dtb, but also the u-boot scripts. How do you generate an image that contains everything correctly? Thanks in advance Riccardo
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