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  1. @Sander de Leeuw thx for the solution, one thing is strange after applying it, an additional device apears which is not the wifi adapter of the rockt 5c p2p-dev-wlan0: disconnected "p2p-dev-wlan0" wifi-p2p, hw
  2. After working in the ssh session for a while, the message suddenly appears: Broadcast message from user@rock-5c (Wed 2025-02-26 11:08:02 CET): The system will suspend now! Judging by the entries of journalctl, suspend is triggered in the kernel, not in systemd $ journalctl -b | grep -i suspend Feb 26 11:00:29 rock-5c kernel: rk806 spi2.0: dvs-suspend-control-by missing! Feb 26 11:00:29 rock-5c kernel: rockchip-dmc dmc: suspend_rate = 528000000 Feb 26 11:00:29 rock-5c kernel: rockchip-dmc dmc: deep_suspend_rate = 2112000000 Feb 26 11:00:29 rock-5c kernel: rockchip-pm rockchip-suspend: not set pwm-regulator-config Feb 26 11:00:29 rock-5c kernel: rockchip-suspend not set sleep-mode-config for mem-lite Feb 26 11:00:29 rock-5c kernel: rockchip-suspend not set wakeup-config for mem-lite Feb 26 11:00:29 rock-5c kernel: rockchip-suspend not set sleep-mode-config for mem-ultra Feb 26 11:00:29 rock-5c kernel: rockchip-suspend not set wakeup-config for mem-ultra Can anyone tell me what the cause is and how I can fix it?
  3. Should someone still be interested in how to get the uart2 interface running with an RS485 on a rockpi 4b (plus in my case), I was able to do so by making sure the serial port is active (which it should be by default) by following this post: Decompile the necessery dtb file, make sure serial@ff1a0000 status is "okay" and recompile it again. Deactivate console in the /boot/armbianEnv.txt and /boot/boot.cmd by setting it to "none" and recompile boot.cmd as show in this article: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Fine-Tuning/#how-to-toggle-boot-output And now final part, which took me a whole day to figure out, because deactivating the console wasn't enough since you need also to deactivate the getty service which occupies the ttys2 for the boot console. Simply move it as root out of the systemd directory, reload systemd daemon and restart your device: mv /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/serial-getty@ttyS2.service ~ && systemctl daemon-reload && shutdown -r now Some of the above mentioned steps may be unnecessery, but the result is more important for me at this point
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