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  1. Hi everyone. I'm using OrangePi PC h3 board and Armbian. I needed to install linux-kernel-headers for my project. Many time I was looking for a solution to this problem. 1. Find out the version of kernel: uname -r For me its 6.1.63-current-sunxi. 2. Download headers for your version: https://imola.armbian.com/apt/pool/main/l/ You need to find for your version of kernel. In my case https://imola.armbian.com/apt/pool/main/l/linux-headers-current-sunxi/ 3. I'm connecting to my board by ssh, so I need to transfer file on OrangePi: scp file_path username@ip_address:path_where_to_save You can use another way. 4. Install headers: sudo dpkg -i file_name.deb After that everything worked for me. Good luck.
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