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Prana Cale

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  1. I will test all the distros again and get back to you in a few days with the results. As I mentioned before, I want to run a web server on it, including some goodies like backup software, Plex, or Jellyfin, etc. Access would be exclusively through SSH or Xfce. It should also boot from an SD card and I'll connect a 20GB hard drive... The current test withdebian-bookworm-armhf-ou4eux.bin.gz(Minimal, pure and up-to-date vanilla Debian/Ubuntu Linux SD card image for Banana Pi M2 Berry) failed because of my lack of LINUX SKILLS ๐Ÿ˜’I couldn't even change the keyboard layout, because it's missing all components ๐Ÿคฃ Have to try again... last time and if it will fail or do not work well I go with something more more powerfull like AMD Ryzen... 6-8-16 cores . Anyway Banana Pi will be temporary even it this work... simply to weak ~~~
  2. hey @hexzhen3x7 Can you send me one? I'm trying to build a web server. Seems like Banana Pi M2 berry is too slow for using GUI? So I'm using this: https://sd-card-images.johang.se/boards/banana_pi_m2_berry.html anyway give me what you got, wanna try it it. Expecially if it uses the board pins for coding...
  3. Hi I have here Banana Pi M2 Berry and I want to use it now as web server, plus few more things, ftp, plex, pi-hole and later also for use some sensors on it. What the best the best OS for it? Armbian is always made for Ultra not Berry and most versions make problems ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜‰ The GUI itself is so !SLOW!, maybe the driver for video are also not right? Can someone give me a link to a proper Armbian for Banana Pi M2 Berry ??? Or advice what for alternative OS?
  4. I have also Banana Pi M2 Berry - kinda sad there no much support for ... I want to install lastest Armbian to SSD and boot from SSD ... then the usuals Apache, MySQL and and and ... I will use it mostly as web server ... currently installed armbian (trunk.19_Bananapim2ultra_jammy_current_6.6.16_xfce_desktop.img.xz) - don't work well, GUI is damn slow, most resportys for updates are broken or shutted down, all tools from menu that require admin will not start ... ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™„
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