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Everything posted by nexusguy59

  1. Hello Shad, I happen to have an Orange Pi 5 Plus as well and I thought I bricked it also but I was able to revive it. I have a couple of questions. 1 - Do you have an eMMC in yours? 2 - Are you trying to boot to SD Card, NVMe, or to the eMMC itself? Let me know and I have something I will post for you to try. Thanks, nexusguy59
  2. I am not sure if you have fixed the problem with your raid. But here is a way to recover a raid using mdadm: https://recoverit.wondershare.com/harddrive-recovery/linux-raid-recovery.html I had to do this once and it worked flawlessly for me. Let me know if it helps. nexusguy59
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