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  1. You can use my git to build it
  2. Yes it works by enabling the spi overlay in armbian-config Totally missed that at first.
  3. hardware limitations. these things are not powerhouses.
  4. Should have some time this week to dig in
  5. what is happening when you install to EMMC?
  6. no changes made, only thing i did was rename to v1-3 ill double check though and make sure nothing funky is going on. will compile tonight and see if i can replicate
  7. glad it's working for you.
  8. correct me if i'm wrong, but the point of a board level patch is so that it does not apply to all devices, no? that's the point of creating the board_x96q subdirectory instead of just adding the patches to the u-boot sunxi directory. You can see this when building armbian.
  9. i just built a 5.1 image. Should work for you https://github.com/sicXnull/armbian-build/releases/download/v24.8.0-trunk.425/Armbian-unofficial_24.11.0-trunk_X96q-v5-1_bookworm_current_6.6.44_mate_desktop.img.xz https://github.com/sicXnull/armbian-build/tree/X96Q-5.1-DDR3
  10. Update. I just got an X96Q 5.1 in today. Going to start working on an image for it.
  11. Did you try my image that I linked you? Wifi should work
  12. The image that @zra123 built may work for you if you're willing to try it and if he is willing to upload it
  13. Try my image https://github.com/sicXnull/armbian-build/releases/download/v24.8.0-trunk.425/Armbian-unofficial_24.11.0-trunk_X96q_bookworm_current_6.6.44_mate_desktop.img.xz I bought one of these too, it was advertised as a RK3228 on amazon but came with H313. iirc my x96q image booted right up on it.
  14. From what i understand the bootloaders are locked and cannot be unlocked on the new ones, but there's always the possibility that there's a workaround. I need to run to walmart and grab one to play with, but if you make any progress by all means, let us know! For $20 these things would be great for pihole/light work like you mentioned.
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