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    JohnTheCoolingFan got a reaction from Yell in Which build image to use?   
    It seems that the images mostly just use some of Armbian patches, maybe some custom ones. Comparing them thoroughly and applying what I can if needed is my goal now.
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    JohnTheCoolingFan got a reaction from Yell in Which build image to use?   
    First time seeing this 3.0.0 image, will check it out
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    JohnTheCoolingFan reacted to Werner in Which build image to use?   
    regardless of the image you are going to use we at this forum can only support Armbian images downloaded here: https://www.armbian.com/bigtreetech-cb1/
    If you miss fixes or features that should already be included in Armbian you can also try pre-release images from here: https://github.com/armbian/os/releases
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    JohnTheCoolingFan reacted to c0rnelius in State of BTT Pi and CB1 support   
    I've only worked with the BPI-M4-ZERO.
    My personally opinion on the h616/8 line up is that the focus should be on stable and not LTS. Little to none of the official mainline patches are being back ported and the patches being used currently in LTS are kind of hack-a-noodle patches.
    For example:
    The ones being currently used in Armbian I believe are either RFC's or taken from OPI. The thermal patch above is already in 6.9.y.
    But with that said, if you have any questions feel free to hit me up and if I can, I'll help.
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    JohnTheCoolingFan got a reaction from Pigeon in What image should I use for Bigtreetech BTT Pi v1.2?   
    Thanks, looks like the new board will launch soon. I will wait until the v2 comes out.
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