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  1. This board would be a significant upgrade to my home IT infrastructure, supplying me with a very capable home server. I joined the Linux community about two years ago and am running armbian on a much older Banana-pi since about half a year now. I am very excited for this opportunity and plan to help with Bug-reports in any way i can while utilizing armbian on the BPi M7! Thank you for this raffle and good luck everyone! Fabitanker
  2. Hello! I have a Banana-Pi M1 (Allwinner A20 SoC), where the same issue occurred since March 22nd, 2024. I upgraded from 6.1.63-current-sunxi to 6.6.16-current-sunxi at this date. I could observe in the logs how after some booted time the sysstat-collect services started by systemd took 20-40 seconds to complete. Normally it takes <100ms to do so, and after some time the cpu stalls completely, and the system becomes unresponsive if not rebooted. After reboot, everything fime for some hours, then issue occurs again. Switched to armbian edge (6.7.4-sunxi) kernel, issue persisted. Switched to armbian legacy (6.1.77-sunxi) kernel, issue disappeared. I hope the culprit can be found out, i am willing to assist in error reporting, since my system is non-critical. Thanks for the error report, this way i know i am not the only one!
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