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  1. I don't know how to debug that issue, but I have your same board (Pine A64 with 1GB RAM) and I'm using Armbian 24.5.1 Jammy with Linux 6.1.92-legacy-sunxi64. It's stable in terms of kernel panics, random freeze or so. You can change the kernel using "armbian-config" > system > other. I have a private gist for my own, where I add the stable combo of OS version + kernel version, before updating. I hope it helps Btw, FYI too: I only had an issue (from long time ago), with the ethernet port (I guess). It randomly disconnect, so I """solved""" it with mmonit (link here
  2. Update: I "fixed it" with https://mmonit.com/wiki/Monit/Installationmonit Basically, each 60 seconds it will check if my "eth0" ethernet interface is up. If not, it tries to wake it up. If for some reason, the port/board cannot wake up the ethernet interface... I have a secondary check (ping Google DNS IP 10 times in a row -> one per minute). If 10/10 failed, it reboots the board. Is not ideal, but now I have a "hands free" board. This is in a countryside, so before this "patch", I had to take my car to manually power-cycle the board hahaha Here you have, the config I used: ## Start Monit in the background (run as a daemon): # set daemon 60 # check services at 60 seconds intervals with start delay 120 # optional: delay the first check by 2-minutes (by # # default Monit check immediately after Monit start) # set log /var/log/monit.log set idfile /var/lib/monit/id set statefile /var/lib/monit/state set eventqueue basedir /var/lib/monit/events # set the base directory where events will be stored slots 100 # optionally limit the queue size ############################################################################### ## Services ############################################################################### ## check network eth0 with interface eth0 start program = "/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up" stop program = "/sbin/ifconfig eth0 down" if link down then restart check host with address if failed ping count 10 size 128 with timeout 10 seconds then exec "/usr/sbin/reboot" I hope this can be helpful to somebody. Regards
  3. Hi there. I have a Pine A64(+) board (https://pine64.org/documentation/Pine_A64/) I have been experiencing this issue since last year. I updated the SO (armbian version + kernel) several times and it didn't resolve the issue. It happens randomly. The CPU and storage are not overheated (30º C each) and I tested all physical components (board, ethernet wire, switch, ...) ambianmonitor -u -> https://paste.armbian.com/arozepuxen Things I tested for now: - Daily reboot. Sometimes eth0 is not wake up after boot and I have to physically power-toggle the board. - Stay on latest raspbian release (24.2.1) + latest kernel (6.6.16) + latest uboot. Same issue. - Stay on latest raspbian release (24.2.1) + legacy kernel (6.1.77) + latest uboot. Same issue. - Armbian 23.11.1 Jammy with Linux 6.1.63-current-sunxi64 was also some time the SO in the board. Same issue. - Also I set the segmentation and MTU as here but same issue: Notes: - CPU is "on demand". That's also why the temperature is OK. - Somehow is only 100Mbits available (the board has gigabit port). By the way, is not my concerning now. - https://github.com/jwrdegoede/rtl8189ES_linux/tree/rtl8189fs I saw this driver. Is this an option? Should I try? Any idea? Should I totally rebuild the microsd SO from zero with an ARMBIAN from 2021 or so? Any other suggestion? The board is totally unstable as it currently is and I guess is software related (driver maybe) Thank you.
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