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  1. I registered to say that this works *perfectly* for analog/line out on my OrangePi Zero3. Additionally, I wanted to mention that I ran the build myself via the build framework. My install target is actually an existing DietPi machine. I installed everything but the u-boot deb (which seemed to cause some trouble with booting? I'd not investigated any more than recovering from the error by reinstalling the old packages). It looks like *maybe* all I needed was the kernel itself (headers, libc, base-files, bsp etc all being "extraneous", but I went ahead and installed those). This gets me a lot closer to my whole-home audio setup! Thanks for putting in the work for this. Is there a possibility of getting this upstreamed? I imagine that this would be extremely useful as such (and we wouldn't have to, say, disable kernel updates on these boxes to keep analog audio)
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