At first I thought I was having troubles installing Armbian in my Orange Pi Zero 3 4Gb. However, I have also tried Ubuntu, Debian and Orange Pi OS and none of them work. This is what I mean by not working, also including the process I usually follow:
Format my 2tb Lenovo SD card, recently using SD Card Formatter
Try to install the SO both using Balena Etcher and Win32DiskImager
Insert and boot the Orange Pi. First and second/third boots work, usually after that it gives different errors when not booting, usually: "/dev/mmcblk0p1 does not exist"
The only thing I did on those boots was "sudo apt update && sudo apt ugrade -y". Also, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" to change the keyboard layout to Spanish.
I am using a 5V 3A power supply.
Leds are red when starting and then turn green; blinking.
Im using a keyboard and a monitor
I am not able to try a serial cable.
When trying with Armbian, i tried this Armbian Github, following the steps for 4GB.
This is my Lenovo SD